All posts tagged "how to be a good wife"
chelsea | February 2, 2014
Love in the Windy City!
we finished up our last workshop of the North American Tour yesterday in Chicago, Illinois! it was a...
chelsea | January 31, 2014
We “Touched Down” in Chicago! (see what I did there)
we have arrived safely in Chicago and thanks friends on facebook for suggestions on what to do for...
chelsea | January 29, 2014
Being BOLD is Scary but Rewarding (sometimes with chocolate)
yesterday was a day of boldness for me! remember how my word is BOLD for 2014, well i...
chelsea | January 24, 2014
One of the Most Transformative Years of My Life! No, Seriously.
tomorrow i turn 27 years old. that sentence blows my mind. 27 sounds like an adult and more...
chelsea | January 20, 2014
A Weekend in West Texas!
Yeehaw! What a fun weekend we had exploring the dry lands of West Texas! My hubs rocked his...
chelsea | January 16, 2014
Changing Your View Can Change Your Outcome
i am not sure what you were doing last night but after my 2 hours of cleaning (i...
chelsea | January 14, 2014
Being Bold and Time to Yourself
i have decided my word of the year is “BOLD.” it scares me a little bit to say...
chelsea | January 3, 2014
2014…I Ain’t Settlin’ because 2013 was “the MOST!”
i had high hopes of putting together some of my favorite pictures and stories from 2013 (and i...
chelsea | December 18, 2013
“You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!”- Visiting ‘A Christmas Story’ HOUSE!
it feels like we’ve been in the car for daaaaays…oh wait, we have. i was reunited with my...
chelsea | December 15, 2013
Colorado (and my family) You are TOO Good to Me!
i am SO excited to be reunited with my husband later today but i am also very sad...
chelsea | December 9, 2013
We’ve Made it to Canada, Eh!
whew we have been going nonstop but having a wondrous time doing so! Detroit, MI was some fun...
chelsea | December 5, 2013
Christmas (literally) on the Road!
i happen to love christmas. a lot. i don’t allow myself the indulgence until december 1 because i...
chelsea | December 4, 2013
Sometimes Jacuzzi Talk Gets Real
we spent 3 whole days in Houston, much of which involved a ton of work, snuggles with dogs...
chelsea | November 30, 2013
Sitting at the “Cool Kids” Table on Thanksgiving!
people tend to drag christmas out so i’m going to drag thanksgiving out (i know some of you...
chelsea | November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving from the ‘Low Country!’
happy thanksgiving!!! we are celebrating with my stepdad’s side of the family in Dataw Island, South Carolina! it’s...