All posts tagged "how to be a good wife"
chelsea | May 19, 2014
How Much Fun Can An Adult Have at Hershey’s Chocolate World?
{this post was supported by hershey’s chocolate world but the experience and opinions are 100% my own} if...
chelsea | May 14, 2014
What’s Your Love Language?
hopefully you and your significant other speak the same verbal language, otherwise i have no idea how you’d...
chelsea | May 9, 2014
How to Make Your Marriage A Priority
(partial excerpt from my book so please picture all of capital letters lowercased) I get it…you’re busy. You...
chelsea | May 7, 2014
A Couple Things a Couple Should do in Palm Springs, CA
according to the palm springs tourism website: palm springs, california lies on the western edge of the coachella...
chelsea | May 2, 2014
Guess Which Celebrity Photobombed the Birthday Boy?!
today my wonderful husband turns 27! i am so grateful to have been celebrating birthdays with him since...
chelsea | April 24, 2014
Why Date Nights are Vital to a Happy Marriage
do you ever find yourself getting in the same routine with your marriage or relationship? now don’t get...
chelsea | April 22, 2014
Earth Day=Day off, Cookies, and Practicing being 83 years old
yay it’s earth day today-even though earth day should really be every day. i am doing my part...
chelsea | April 9, 2014
Ever Wanted to Break A Guinness World Record?
i don’t know about you, but when i was younger i had the grand idea of trying to...
chelsea | April 8, 2014
How to Not Panic on an International Stage
as some of you may know…i coached a man to help him achieve becoming a ‘the youngest world...
chelsea | April 7, 2014
Boat Shoes are the New Heels (Adventures in Canada Part II)!
we made it back from canada late last night and whew what a weekend it was! my husband...
chelsea | April 3, 2014
The Intrepid Woman Who Eats PB&J
i received an invitation to attend a workshop/networking event called “intrepid women” and yes, i had to google...
chelsea | March 31, 2014
Love and Self are One…
i read this quote over the weekend for leo buscaglia’s book “love.” i have heard people say the...
chelsea | March 27, 2014
Interview with a Holocaust Survivor: On Tragedy, Love, and Compassion
interview with a holocaust survivor i had the unique privilege of talking with 88 year old alter wiener,...
chelsea | March 20, 2014
Sometimes I Say the Wrong Thing…
for the past few days my husband has been working with a client so i’ve had our whole...
chelsea | March 18, 2014
50 Day Challengers: Passed The “21 Day Habit” Point!
have you ever heard that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit? according to a...