All posts tagged "how to be a good wife"
chelsea | October 19, 2013
“home” doesn’t always mean just where you heart is…
as we arrive into the terminal at Portland International Airport (PDX), we step off the plane, see that...
chelsea | October 15, 2013
Heading Back to “Our First Home”
i cannot even believe it…we are headed back to Portland, Oregon today after 4 long months away!!! actually...
chelsea | October 14, 2013
Anxiety War- My Search for Inner Peace
about 2 months ago i wrote a ‘bare it all-here’s who i am and what i deal with’...
chelsea | October 13, 2013
Sometimes You Just Have to Pig Out and Bring Fall to You!
yesterday we made the drive from Delaware to Virginia Beach and it was rainy and foggy the whole...
chelsea | October 11, 2013
10 Love/Hate Things About Being on the Road
i am currently sitting in Delaware (i don’t think i’ve actually met anyone from Delaware until i walked...
chelsea | October 9, 2013
Exploring New England and Cape Cod
first, i want to share with you a cranberry bog on the way ocean spray corporate headquarters. we...
chelsea | October 7, 2013
NYC Adventure Part II: Naked Men, Celebrities and A Good Smelling Husband!
the husband and i were able to spend another day in NYC-although this time we took the train...
chelsea | October 6, 2013
NYC Adventure Part 1: Soulfriends in the BIG Apple!
i have had a smile on my face since 10:03am friday morning! that’s because it was at that...
chelsea | October 3, 2013
back to back to back to back!
yes, we are alive and yes i will be talking to my husband about booking back to back...
chelsea | September 28, 2013
Have You Ever Had Donuts at The Pentagon?
we made it to Washington, DC and the weather is excellent! i drove from Richmond, VA until about...
chelsea | September 27, 2013
Virginia is also Good for Food/Drink/Speaking/Friend Lovers too!
let’s back up one second because i somehow misplaced this photo of when our friend kim met us...
chelsea | September 24, 2013
#AveryTour Commence! (and why the *%@! is technology so infuriating!)
i have been craaaaving to blog and alas-the internet in multiple places i’ve tried obviously have it out...
chelsea | September 21, 2013
Strange/Fun Photos Captured in Russia
as i am going through my pictures of our trip to russia, preparing them to send to my...
chelsea | September 14, 2013
Last Minute Trip to St. Petersburg…sure why not!
i just need to take a minute to be very proud of myself. i am currently winning the...
chelsea | September 13, 2013
Playtime in Gorky Park, Moscow
here’s the thing about our time in russia…when we aren’t out being tourists- we are in playing poker,...