All posts tagged "how to be a good wife"
chelsea | September 5, 2014
Honeymoon in Phuket, Thailand!
thanks everyone for the sweet anniversary messages via the blog, facebook, instagram, the real-life phone, etc.! it has...
chelsea | September 4, 2014
A Small Crime Committed on Our Anniversary + Happy Balcony!
it is the day after our anniversary and after my promises shared and my husband sharing what it’s like to...
chelsea | September 3, 2014
Promises to My Husband on Our 4th Anniversary
today marks my 4th year of married life aka officially wifestylin’! i am a bit freaked out...
chelsea | September 1, 2014
Traveling to the Beaches of Koh Phi Phi Don Island, Thailand
after a fun few days in phuket, thailand we woke up to catch the first ferry to koh...
chelsea | August 27, 2014
41 Questions to Ask Before you Get Married
as i was writing the post about our engagement, i was trying to remember how i had my future...
chelsea | August 22, 2014
Not that Girl Who Dreamed of Weddings and Marriage
where were we? oh yeah…i don’t panic when this guy basically says “i’m not looking for a girlfriend...
chelsea | August 21, 2014
Let the Malaysian Adventures Begin!
we have made it to kuala lumpur, malaysia! the flights were all good, not too much turbulence...
chelsea | August 13, 2014
5 Ways to ‘Do Something’ to Strengthen Your Relationship
i moved away from colorado and to portland 1,870 days ago today. yes, i did the math because...
chelsea | August 6, 2014
When Your Spouse Changes Dreams Because of You
as my husband and i sat down to a dinner of BBQ chicken and grilled corn (our personal...
chelsea | July 23, 2014
Reader Survey: Help a Lady Out and Share Your Opinions!
I cannot believe it’s been just over a year since I’ve launched ‘the new wifestyle!’ Blows my mind....
chelsea | July 21, 2014
Date Night Idea: Bring France to YOU!
Sometimes date nights forget to exist. Sometimes date nights get a little repetitive. Sometimes date nights are exactly...
chelsea | June 19, 2014
Have You Ever Had Your Back Cracked?
a few weeks back, i attended a meet-up group for young entrepreneurs and met dr. vashi chetty. she’s...
chelsea | June 12, 2014
Visiting Sitka & Ketchikan, Alaska!
i’ve chatted about our amazing day whale watching and glacier viewing in juneau and the fantastic time going through...
chelsea | May 25, 2014
Beach with the In-Laws and Cough up $4 for this Cookie in NYC
i had all these high hopes of getting a post out during my 3.5 hour layover from philadephia...
chelsea | May 21, 2014
Gettysburg and the Perfect Time to Visit Washington, DC
oh, the east coast! so different than the west coast and so much to explore. as mentioned before,...