All posts tagged "how to be a good wife"
chelsea | August 11, 2013
segway tour of houston involving an encounter with a tree
whew it’s been an action packed weekend! we kicked off the weekend with a segway tour of downtown...
chelsea | August 7, 2013
4 Ways to Fall Asleep More in Love!
i will be the first to admit that sometimes i’m a skeptic. sometimes i roll my eyes when...
chelsea | August 1, 2013
self-care still in the works
do you ever have those days when you can’t quite put your finger on why you feel so...
chelsea | July 30, 2013
sometimes i eat my feelings
you may have noticed that i haven’t been posting as frequently lately (okay probably just my best friend...
chelsea | July 15, 2013
how to stop a tree from crying at an engagement party
a little more than a year ago, a tree that overlooks my grandparent’s deck had a limb die...
chelsea | July 11, 2013
the adventures of baking with a 5 year old!
highlight of my night last night…baking with a 5 year old! my MIL nannies 3 little boys and...
chelsea | July 8, 2013
fun to play with other people’s dogs
we have had a great last few days together! the dogs mellowed out but not before running into...
chelsea | July 5, 2013
almond blackberry/strawberry jam bars!
as promised…here is the recipe for the amazing almond blackberry/strawberry jam bars! i first tasted this treat from...
chelsea | July 4, 2013
happy 4th of july all y’all!
i hope everyone has a safe and magical 4th of july! i am very grateful for the women...
chelsea | July 3, 2013
cue mini-freak out
you know those days when you just wake up and feel like it might be a rough one...
chelsea | June 30, 2013
S’more Magic (Bars) Please!
whew we had a fantastic day yesterday! right now i mainly want to highlight dinner time because that’s...
chelsea | June 26, 2013
love is love is love.
from ny times, “In a pair of major victories for the gay rights movement, the Supreme Court on...