Love and Self are One…
i read this quote over the weekend for leo buscaglia’s book “love.” i have heard people say the variation of this many times but it’s only recently that i’m realizing how very true it is. i am also realizing that i can truly only give what i have, so i need to have much love for myself before i can show all of that love to my husband.
i’m in the middle of reading brene brown’s book, “the gifts of imperfections: let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are” so i know that’s making me very self-reflective. i will do an article exploring some of my own personal and deepest takeaways from the book because it is really changing my thought process and while it can be hard, it’s what i’m needing to internalize.
with that…happy monday and remember to show not only your significant other compassion and love-but yourself!
the new wifestyle: how much love you give yourself directly correlates to how much love you can give your spouse.
1) 3 things you like most about yourself today?
2) any good quotes that have been speaking to you lately?
3) books that have changed your life?
Heather Hawkins
March 31, 2014 at 5:17 pm
1) I made a tough but good decision. I am very proud of the job I did on my manicure and I made time to give Miss Aiden a manicure as well.
2) Not really.
3) The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien is not what you would think of when one says a “book about war,” I loved it so much, I lent it to my grandfather. My grandfather used to write his name in every book he read. He didn’t care if belonged to him, the library, someone else, it didn’t matter. But I specifically said, “Don’t write your name in my book.” Little did I know it would be the last book he read. When they gave it back to me I was hoping he didn’t listen to instructions, but he did. I think of it as our little joke, “the only book I didn’t sign was the one I really should have,” type thing.
March 31, 2014 at 9:07 pm
ohh love you acknowledging a tough but good decision heather-thanks for reminding me to pay attention and give myself credit for those. i hope both sets of nails look awesome!
and wow what a moving story about ‘the things they carried’ and your grandfather listening to your instructions and not signing! glad you see it as a little joke-also many great lessons in it as well 🙂 thanks for your comment heather-you rock!