#AveryTour Commence! (and why the *%@! is technology so infuriating!)
i have been craaaaving to blog and alas-the internet in multiple places i’ve tried obviously have it out for me. it is testing me to see if i will get so angry and irritated that i can’t sit still and contemplate punching it’s lights out. it’s totally working. i have patience for quite a few things but when technology doesn’t work…my patience and calmness truly evaporates. it’s not one my strengths. gr.
anyways…i will continue trying to keep it together over here and stop breaking pens in half and let you all know we have started out on our first leg of the tour in Raleigh, NC!
we left yesterday for the start of our 6 month tour! we will not be returning to houston for 2 months and we could each only pack a suitcase. thankfully the lady who checked us in at the airport looked the other way when both of our suitcases clocked it at 52 pounds. thank you kind lady!
yes, that’s a tripod in my backpack.
we had a little bit of time to walk around raleigh yesterday and not only was it a gorgeous day out but it was a very cool city too! we checked out the FREE north carolina museum of natural science. that’s right folks-it’s been free since 1879 and it was beautiful and so neat! it’s kind of hard to miss with the whole world sitting in front of it.
after a few hours of work, i obviously got hungry and needed to eat so we checked out a brand spanking new restaurant called “Jimmy V’s osteria+bar” and it was one of the best choices we’ve made recently.
we started off with ‘arancini’ or fried-blow-your-mind-risotta-and-gouda balls and bruchetta. i tried to buy ravery’s risotta balls off him but no dice. get your mind out of the gutter.
then he somehow convinced me that duck on a pizza would be a good idea. he LOVED it…the taste wasn’t bad at all but i had a mini-panic attack about eating cute ducks halfway through and stopped.
the main reason we decided on dessert was because this neat restaurant, named after the famous football couch-jim valvano, donates 2.5% of revenue to The V Foundation for cancer research. i will happily continue spending money when i know it benefits good causes in a heart beat, especially if sugar is involved like the “s’mores napolean”
you are looking at marshmallow fluff mixed with cream cheese that has been toasted, fresh, juicy strawberries and steaming hot chocolate fudge with a hint of mint drizzled on top of crunchy graham crackers. i have such a good husband that he let me have 2 (i may have thrown in the fact that he ate more duck pizza than me and i could faint at any moment if i didn’t have more to eat). the ambiance was hip and cool, very friendly staff and quite affordable. i may work my wife magic to get us back here tonight!
i highly recommend this restaurant and it can be found at:
Jimmy V’s osteria+bar
420 Fayetteville Street
Raleigh, NC 97601
now ravery is gearing up to give his first workshop tonight, put on by District 37 Toastmasters and i already know it’s going to be great because we had a ton of fun with them last november! for now…it’s lunch time and i’m going to go get my tense hands on some BBQ so i can eat away my technology frustrations!
the new wifestyle: sometimes inanimate objects can create more drama inside yourself than you’d care to admit. attempt to focus on the good.
1) ever been to North Carolina before?
2) how do you feel about duck?
3) best dessert you’ve eaten recently?
4) how crazy does me not capitalizing things make you? i may start capitalizing proper nouns. maybe. maybe not.
Kate (insert second part of the name you made for me when we were in college that I don't wish to put on here) ....woh, this is letting me put a long name! ha!
September 24, 2013 at 12:50 pm
1) Nope.
2) Well, they belong in the water and in the sky and wherever else they want to go, and not in our mouths or stomachs. (hopping off my vegetarian soapbox). But even when I did it meat, I’m pretty sure I never ate duck.
3) Uh, last night. My friend Alison and I went to DBar Desserts in Denver. We split a molten lava cake with raspberry sorbet and fresh raspberries. THEN, I took a giant piece of amazing chocolate cake home. I know you’re jealous. She took home a bag of donuts with dipping sauces. Chic donuts. so good.
4) You better not start because you’re totally taking away one of my points when I write my guest blog. Is that what sparked you to ask? I’ll totally pretend threat to not write it if you start doing it. I”m kidding…. I’ll just have to think of a third witty point.
September 25, 2013 at 7:14 am
haha oh kate- your “last name” is hilarious on multiple accounts! omg-molten lava cakes are amazing and yours sounded outstanding. i am totally jealous. sounds like you had an epic dessert night! and i probably won’t start capitalizing…then i have to push the letter AND the shift key..too much work. THANKS for you comment 🙂
Eric Tonningsen
September 24, 2013 at 1:27 pm
Be careful about who you align with which sport while in NC, Chelsea. 🙂 Coach V was the Wolfpack’s Basketball coach. Congrats on commencing your newest journey! All the best.
September 25, 2013 at 7:15 am
ha! people do take sports pretty seriously, especially out here! i like the sound of the ‘wolfpack’ and truly had no idea it was basketball but thanks to you eric i am better educated and may make slightly less of a fool out of myself when interacting with people out here 🙂 thanks for the congrats and i hope you are well!
Ann Snelling
September 24, 2013 at 1:35 pm
Capitalizing proper nouns would please me. On the cell phone the periods are small so I miss them sometimes. Then the reading gets confusing. However it doesn’t make me crazy.
Best to you on your tour.
Ann Snelling
September 25, 2013 at 7:16 am
thanks for your input ann-i shall consider the capitalization 🙂 i hope you are do excellent and thanks for reading!
September 26, 2013 at 3:56 pm
1. No.
2. Sorry to scare and/or disappoint but I do not mind eating them at all. One of my favourite things to eat. In moderation of course.
3. Apple pie my aunt made. Yummmmm.
4. Only drives me crazy when I try to spell your name without capitals and autocorrect has other plans 🙂