Strange/Fun Photos Captured in Russia
as i am going through my pictures of our trip to russia, preparing them to send to my family (because who else is going to sit through about 1,294 of a trip they didn’t go on except your family) i ran across some of my favorites! the weird ones are towards the end…
the whole group in front of st. basil’s cathedral.
“The Cathedral was ordered by Ivan the Terrible to mark the 1552 capture of Kazan from Mongol forces. It was completed in 1560…Either the creators were paying homage to the churches of Jerusalem, or, by building eight churches around a central ninth, they were representing the medieval symbol of the eight-pointed star…(originally all white)…Β In 1860 during rebuilding, the Cathedral was painted with a more complex and integrated design, and has remained unchanged since.”-www.moscowinfo.com
then some of us ventured up to the top of it!
the official olympic countdown. this was in red square and we found another one in st. petersburg.
beautiful breads and pastries everywhere! they were pretty tasty although significantly less sugary than what us americans are used too.
this is just to trip you out. you are welcome.
AND OF COURSE….my amazing husband spoke (in english) at moscow state mining univeristy, delivering his workshop of “how to make it a great speech.” reminder…we are about to embark on a 50 tour and would LOVE to see you if we are coming near your city. click here to see if we are and sign up! he did a phenomenal job and they were so gracious and amazing to work with!
before ravery gave his workshop, they took us on a tour of the university’s rock museum. it was super cool…i happen to love rocks and have been known to break washing machines by neglecting to remove rocks from my pockets.
we went into a fancy grocery store and they had a stack of ostrich eggs! weird. it took me roughly 10 minutes to convince my husband we could not spent $51 for him to make an omelet out of this at the moment.
the same place also had some bread shaped into guns. when in russia…
the day before we left i was insistent that we go see lenin, the russian communist revolutionary and politician. and when i mean see him…i mean his body…the died in 1924. it was crazy. you have to go check your bags/purses/any recording device and then they pat you down before you walk to the red tomb with the black stripe going around it (see picture below).
we probably spent 13 seconds walking around his preserved body he looked very waxy and strange. i stopped walking for .4 seconds and a guard immediately shuffled me on. it was pretty interesting. ps. it’s closed mondays and fridays and only open from 10am-1pm on the other days.
here’s a google image of what he looks like in there for the morbidly curious. i think he was wearing a different tie on the day i saw him.

thanks for the image “TIME Magazine-Travel“
we are in the process of getting ready to leave on the #AveryTour so it’s a littttttle crazy over in the avery household but everyone still has all their fingers and i’m happy to report i’m only being snippy and bitchy about once every 4 hours. cheers!
the new wifestyle: it’s important to take pictures of strange things so you can later text your husband and friends and make them laugh.
1) do you take a ton of pictures while you are on vacation?
2) what did you/do you like to collect and put in your pockets?
3) would you want to see lenin’s body too or does it weird you out?
Ryan Avery
September 21, 2013 at 1:03 pm
I am not going to lie…. it is hard to notice and not think about why I have three chins in the pigeon photo?
September 21, 2013 at 4:54 pm
there is an urban legend that when 3 pigeons land on you because you are feeding them peanut butter crackers….3 chins appear.
Kate A
September 21, 2013 at 10:01 pm
Avery, the triple chin is a good look for you. π
1. Yes I sure do.
2. Um…. nothing in my pockets, really. I guess I do take a ton of beer coasters and caps.
3. Absolutely!
September 21, 2013 at 10:47 pm
ohhh i should start collecting caps….or in my case maybe corks. good thinking kate π glad to hear you’d check lenin out!