All posts tagged "travel blog"
chelsea | January 16, 2014
Changing Your View Can Change Your Outcome
i am not sure what you were doing last night but after my 2 hours of cleaning (i...
chelsea | January 3, 2014
2014…I Ain’t Settlin’ because 2013 was “the MOST!”
i had high hopes of putting together some of my favorite pictures and stories from 2013 (and i...
chelsea | December 30, 2013
We Made it to Portland, Oregon!
hoooooooray! after my husband hauled ass along the highway yesterday (my navigation was pretty simple “stay on i-84...
chelsea | December 18, 2013
“You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!”- Visiting ‘A Christmas Story’ HOUSE!
it feels like we’ve been in the car for daaaaays…oh wait, we have. i was reunited with my...
chelsea | December 15, 2013
Colorado (and my family) You are TOO Good to Me!
i am SO excited to be reunited with my husband later today but i am also very sad...
chelsea | December 14, 2013
Like Father Like Daughter: The Simple Things
my first full day in Colorado consisted of my dad and i venturing up to 8,530 feet elevation...
chelsea | December 11, 2013
A Quick Few Days in Canada and Now Off to Separate Cities!
we had a whirlwind of our 3 days in Toronto/Scarborough/Kitchener-Waterloo area in Ontario, Canada! we were essentially moving...
chelsea | December 9, 2013
We’ve Made it to Canada, Eh!
whew we have been going nonstop but having a wondrous time doing so! Detroit, MI was some fun...
chelsea | December 5, 2013
Christmas (literally) on the Road!
i happen to love christmas. a lot. i don’t allow myself the indulgence until december 1 because i...
chelsea | December 4, 2013
Sometimes Jacuzzi Talk Gets Real
we spent 3 whole days in Houston, much of which involved a ton of work, snuggles with dogs...
chelsea | November 26, 2013
A Woman’s Ultimate Packing List for a 10 Week Trip/Tour!
as i’ve mentioned before, my husband loves order and is a minimalist so you better believe i texted...
chelsea | November 23, 2013
The Simple Joy of Grocery Shopping
we are currently in Atlanta, Georgia and officially halfway through our North American Tour! it’s crazy how quickly...
chelsea | November 19, 2013
HUGE, EXCITING, NORTHWEST NEWS! (no, i’m not pregnant)
it’s official… WE HAVE DECIDED TO MOVE BACK TO PORTLAND, OREGON! i have had much unrest lately, especially...
chelsea | November 16, 2013
Airboats, Alligators Laughing and Cuban Bread!
Florida takes the cake for the longest we’ve stayed in one state since september! thankfully there are a...
chelsea | November 14, 2013
Motivating a Motivational Speaker!
as you may know…i am married to a motivation speaker, Ryan Avery. now, he doesn’t necessary market himself...