All posts tagged "travel blog"
chelsea | February 26, 2014
5 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success
for those awesome people on the 50 day challenge-congratulations on making it two full days and now we...
chelsea | February 24, 2014
Meet the 50 Day Challengers-Today it All Starts!
hip hip hooray! today is DAY 1 of our 50 day challenge! i have created a discussion board...
chelsea | February 21, 2014
Join Our 50 Day Challenge!
it’s that time again….if you’ve been a reader for a while or a friend/family member of ours then...
chelsea | February 14, 2014
Happy Valentine’s Day!
i’m not sure how you’re celebrating this romantic day but i get to hang out with my mom!...
chelsea | February 12, 2014
Valentine’s Day: It’s About Managing Expectations
okay, we can all pretty much acknowledge that nowadays valentine’s is basically a hyped up love-triangle between candy...
chelsea | February 11, 2014
The Frozen Tundra in Portland!
the roads are finally clearing and becoming de-iced! it was so crazy to have this much snow on...
chelsea | February 8, 2014
How Fitting for the 2014 Sochi Olympics
it is still snooooowing in portland and it’s fabulous. it’s mostly fabulous because my husband and i generally...
chelsea | February 6, 2014
My First Sponsor- Yamhill Valley Vineyards!
i have some pretty exciting news to share (and if you think i am going to say i’m...
chelsea | February 5, 2014
The Biggest Lessons Learned While on the Road with My Husband
starting september 2013, my husband and i embarked on a 6th month tour around north america. some people...
chelsea | February 2, 2014
Love in the Windy City!
we finished up our last workshop of the North American Tour yesterday in Chicago, Illinois! it was a...
chelsea | January 29, 2014
Being BOLD is Scary but Rewarding (sometimes with chocolate)
yesterday was a day of boldness for me! remember how my word is BOLD for 2014, well i...
chelsea | January 26, 2014
A Spectacular 27th Birthday in British Columbia!
wow what a fun birthday i had yesterday! i have quick access to the internet while i’m on...
chelsea | January 24, 2014
One of the Most Transformative Years of My Life! No, Seriously.
tomorrow i turn 27 years old. that sentence blows my mind. 27 sounds like an adult and more...
chelsea | January 22, 2014
Business Strategy/Treasure Map Meeting in Progress!
it’s AveryToday, Inc. business strategy time and who doesn’t love a good strategy? this is one of the...
chelsea | January 20, 2014
A Weekend in West Texas!
Yeehaw! What a fun weekend we had exploring the dry lands of West Texas! My hubs rocked his...