All posts tagged "travel blog"
chelsea | October 11, 2013
10 Love/Hate Things About Being on the Road
i am currently sitting in Delaware (i don’t think i’ve actually met anyone from Delaware until i walked...
chelsea | October 9, 2013
Exploring New England and Cape Cod
first, i want to share with you a cranberry bog on the way ocean spray corporate headquarters. we...
chelsea | October 7, 2013
NYC Adventure Part II: Naked Men, Celebrities and A Good Smelling Husband!
the husband and i were able to spend another day in NYC-although this time we took the train...
chelsea | October 6, 2013
NYC Adventure Part 1: Soulfriends in the BIG Apple!
i have had a smile on my face since 10:03am friday morning! that’s because it was at that...
chelsea | October 3, 2013
back to back to back to back!
yes, we are alive and yes i will be talking to my husband about booking back to back...
chelsea | September 28, 2013
Have You Ever Had Donuts at The Pentagon?
we made it to Washington, DC and the weather is excellent! i drove from Richmond, VA until about...
chelsea | September 27, 2013
Virginia is also Good for Food/Drink/Speaking/Friend Lovers too!
let’s back up one second because i somehow misplaced this photo of when our friend kim met us...
chelsea | September 26, 2013
Kick off in Raleigh, NC!
i am excited to report that the start of our North American Tour has been excellent! we kicked off...
chelsea | September 24, 2013
#AveryTour Commence! (and why the *%@! is technology so infuriating!)
i have been craaaaving to blog and alas-the internet in multiple places i’ve tried obviously have it out...
chelsea | September 21, 2013
Strange/Fun Photos Captured in Russia
as i am going through my pictures of our trip to russia, preparing them to send to my...
chelsea | September 14, 2013
Last Minute Trip to St. Petersburg…sure why not!
i just need to take a minute to be very proud of myself. i am currently winning the...
chelsea | September 13, 2013
Playtime in Gorky Park, Moscow
here’s the thing about our time in russia…when we aren’t out being tourists- we are in playing poker,...
chelsea | September 10, 2013
Moskva River Cruise, Russia!
we had a truly amazing experience last night cruising along the moscow river (the cruise referred to it...
chelsea | September 3, 2013
best anniversary ever!
i am pleased to say that i am one of those women that can get ready in under...
chelsea | August 30, 2013
Breaking News: #AveryTour is in full effect!
as some of you may or may not know…mr. ryan avery (the husband) and myself are about to...