The Frozen Tundra in Portland!
the roads are finally clearing and becoming de-iced! it was so crazy to have this much snow on the ground the past few days and then we had an intense ice storm. this post was supposed to go out yesterday but as you may have seen, my awesome and talented husband launched his new website yesterday…check it out www.RyanAvery.com! so proud.
anyways. pretend this is still relevant and i’m basically doing this post for my family so they can see how nuts it was here! a tip for you…don’t wear mesh shoes in the snow because your feet will get drenched.
all the plants were covered in ice! it was crazy. i wanted to bring my blow dryer (also note that i haven’t actually used it in over a year but i refuse to give it away) out and thaw these poor little guys.
as i was completely infatuated with taking photos of nature, i suddenly turned around and found my husband almost falling into a pond.
throughout our snowy weekend, we sang this song together no less than truly 5-17 times a day. i am finally on the verge of becoming officially sick of it. i’m sure our neighbors hate us.
if you follow me on Instagram, you already saw what i sweet husband i have because he not only cooked me dinner but set the table all sweet! he definitely has some hat hair going on from our adventures outside-what a stinkin’ cutie!
i appreciate that he nails the little details. i can’t tell you how happy it makes me that he knows to put a ton of ice in my water even though he prefers none. those little things make a difference and make me feel special.
here’s what i got him for valentine’s day…but it’s being melted away!
and that is my photographic recap of our snowy weekend! i was only slightly envious that all of my friends were getting snow days off work and since we work from home….it was business as usual-though i did stay in yoga pants for the majority of those days and drank A LOT of hot cocoa.
valentine’s day is coming up in a few short days! i’ve got a few date ideas for you up my sleeve in case you need them! get ready for that tomorrow.
1) is the weather being unseasonably whacky in your city this winter?
2) how do you feel about valentine’s day? do you celebrate it/love it/hate it/don’t care
3) ice in your water?
February 11, 2014 at 3:28 pm
1) I live in PDX (welcome back) and had a wonderful time being ‘stuck’ at home with my sweet hubby.
2) Valentine’s day is also my Birthday. I’ve always felt it was an extra special day and like to see people and places decorated (for me?). We’re going to Zeppo Italian Restaurant (had their lobster ravioli last year and it was ahhhmazing)
3) Depends on if I’m really thirsty (no ice) or, having a glass with dinner (with ice). By the time I finish drinking my ‘adult beverage of choice = wine or, beer’ the ice usually has melted and my water is nice and cold.
February 11, 2014 at 3:40 pm
awww yay! happy birthday eve-eve!!! i can totally see how special it would feel to have everyone, including all the stores and restaurant be celebrating your special day 🙂 love it. sounds like you have an amazing ValenBirth date (ew is that too weird?) i hope the lobster ravioli is even better than last years! enjoy!
let’s get together soon and enjoy some of those said adult beverages Lisa!! thanks for your comment-made me smile!
February 11, 2014 at 3:50 pm
1) Well, its hot in adelaide and cold here. From what I can tell, this is normal.
2) Meh, nothing particularly.
3) Depends on the water, on the whole, I prefer no ice. But on a hot day, Ice is acceptable. But if it comes to the table with ice, well, its still water 🙂
And hot cocoa? What about a nice hot mulled wine?
February 11, 2014 at 4:56 pm
glad to hear it’s been pretty normal for you! hah good point about ice still being water when it comes to the table. glad to hear you wouldn’t throw it in the waiter’s face 🙂 and whoa. why would mulled wine not come to mind?!? i must add mulling spices to my grocery list! very very good call Nick!
February 11, 2014 at 4:04 pm
1. Crazy weather here in Columbia, SC. I am currently doing a storm duty detail at work. We are expecting 1-2 inches of ice over night. 🙁 We had snow this morning. That was nice. Now comes the nasty stuff.
2. Valentine’s Day is too commercial. Love your loved ones everyday and do the small things that make them happy. That’s a gift that gives both ways. 🙂
3. No ice for me, thanks!
February 12, 2014 at 11:31 am
so crazy to hear about the weather in SC! my sister lives there and has been sending me pictures of the crazy ice and snow-stay staff out there! i like what you said Victor about a gift that gives both ways when you do little things every day that make each other happy 🙂
Marc Gabris
February 11, 2014 at 5:02 pm
That’s cool Ryan remembers things like the ice cubes. He does seem pretty thoughtful.
Those poor snow covered plants! I hope they make it! I don’t know how much good blow drying them would have done anyways.
I could use some V Day ideas to use on my sweetie. Not that i don’t already have it all planned out (cough cough).
February 12, 2014 at 11:35 am
he is indeed quite the thoughtful man-Marc! looks like the plants have survived from the ice but a ton of trees around oregon have fallen over due to the ice so that’s sad 🙁 you got- some fun and inexpensive date ideas coming up soon!!!
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