Happy Valentine’s Day!

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i’m not sure how you’re celebrating this romantic day but i get to hang out with my mom! she and my step dad are visiting for the weekend and my heart feels so full!

valentines day chelsea avery and momlast night we ventured to Le Bistro Montage, which is known for their fabulous mac-n-cheese. it’s a cajun inspired restaurant where you can even add alligator to dishes for $6. i saved my $6. i don’t know what’s happening to me but i blame my short stint in texas on my liking spicy things now. i got the ‘spold’ mac which is the spicy/old fashioned type and it was delicious (and very spicy and salty).

valentines day montage spold macthey are known for wrapping up your left overs in fun and unique ways and i got the perfect one: a tulip! i was so surprised and happy-it’s officially my new favorite flower “tulipa de macaronia.”

valentines day chelsea avery montage flowernow we are off for a double date of breakfast at my favorite brunch place where i can indulge in the BBOML (best biscuit of my life)! in case you need some last minute date ideas-check out my post!

naturally i have to give a shout out to my favorite valentine ever…my boo! mad photo skills by Cassie Rosch Photography-hire her, she’s the best.

us in pdx cassie picand to my second valentine:

whether you celebrate valentine’s day or not…at least chocolate will be half-off tomorrow!

the new wifestyle: celebrate your love every day-regardless of the official holiday.

1) would you eat alligator?
2) do you like leftovers? (i love them but have friends that can’t stand them)
3) if you could have one celebrity valentine-who would it be?


  1. Kristi

    February 14, 2014 at 7:32 am

    Cute article Chelsea.
    As a vegetarian, I try to avoid all food with a face.
    Leftovers can be good but my cooking can be kind of chancy.
    Valentine’s day crush- too many to name.

    Happy Friday.

    • chelsea

      February 14, 2014 at 7:48 am

      thanks kristi 🙂 that’s a good plan to avoid food with faces since you’re a vegetarian ha! that’s also how i feel about my cooking but when someone else does it-bring on the leftovers! happy friday to you too!

  2. Heather Hawkins

    February 14, 2014 at 7:45 am

    1) Probably, but only if Nick was there so I could have someone witness my awesome boldness. Otherwise, I’d go chicken (for food as well as being cowardly).
    2) Depends on what it is. I don’t like any chicken-y leftovers. Potato leftovers are good. Beef left overs aren’t really left over……roast beef i just plan awesome. My husband tends to cook LARGE amounts of beef when he roasts it, so we’ll have it for days.
    3) Tom-motherflippin’-Hiddleston. Nick is okay with this I believe. He knows Aiden and I watch clips of Loki on the internets just for fun all the time. He is a very loveable bad guy and he plays a very loveable good guy, too. He’s also the voice of Captain Hook in the next Tinkerbell movie which comes out on DVD in April. I will watch it….often. Not just because of Tom but because my kiddo can’t get enough of Tinkerbell movies.

    • chelsea

      February 15, 2014 at 9:03 am

      hahah you and i think alike Heather in terms of needing a witness to see the boldness AND the fact that 9 out of 10 times i will always choose chicken! ohhh i’m not familiar with Tom MF Hiddleston but i googled him and he does look like a nice guy and also convenient that he will be the voice in the movie your daughter wants to watch over and over again-win/win! 🙂

  3. junebugroseanne

    February 14, 2014 at 8:23 am

    I enjoyed the reference to “best biscuit of my life.” I remember when you originally posted about those biscuits and I have yet to go there. It’s on my bucket list!

    • chelsea

      February 15, 2014 at 9:04 am

      hah as you know June…it was life changing for me! happy to hear it’s on your list because you shall not be disappointed!!

  4. Victor

    February 14, 2014 at 10:24 am

    1. Out of respect to the alligator, I would not eat it’s meat.
    2. Love left-overs! Many foods taste better once they are re-heated.
    3. Hmmm … tough one! Mariel Hemingway would probably be a top choice.

    • chelsea

      February 15, 2014 at 9:05 am

      haha deep respect for those gators, Victor! i agree…there are just some things that actually do taste better once reheated! ohh mariel is a good choice! 🙂

  5. Marc Gabris

    February 14, 2014 at 10:51 am

    BBOML – That’s funny! Nice couples photo! Kayla and I need to do that.

    1) Done it! It was delicious!
    2) YES! It’s like a bonus meal!
    3) Charliz Theron! Must be my South African roots.

  6. Nick

    February 14, 2014 at 11:01 am

    1) We’ll, I’ve eaten crocodile in a nice blackbean sauce, so I’d probably eat alligator.
    2) Depends on the food, some meals I’ve cooked actually taste like crap if they havent set and aged for a day.
    3) No Idea these days.

    • chelsea

      February 15, 2014 at 9:09 am

      ohhh crocodile-how was it? i hear it’s like chewy chicken! i would also eat that before i ate blackbean sauce as a side note. i know-Ravery makes a soup that i don’t really like until it’s sat for at least 24 hours. well please let me know when you find your celebrity crush 🙂