sometimes i eat my feelings
you may have noticed that i haven’t been posting as frequently lately (okay probably just my best friend and mom noticed). we have been dealing with a family emergency and as annoying as i know it is not say more details…i shall leave it at that for now. things are slowly getting back to normal but with the lack of sleep, stress, mental and physical exhaustion i am working on my own self-care lately. guess what this included:
yes, you guessed it. the most delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies made by my MIL! these are seriously the best cookies and do a body/mind/soul gooooood! give me some lactose-free milk to soak this sugary goodness and i’m a happier camper. i unfortunately cannot share this secret family recipe because it’s most likely worth millions, according to my calculations.
annnnd we’ve learned the best trick to keeping your cookies soft and moist (i bet some of you cringed at that word) is ripping up about 2 pieces of bread and sprinkling them amongst your cookies! the bread gets super hard because it releases magical powers to keep the cookies soft-it essentially takes one for the team.
another part of my self-care is eating leftovers with delicious wine from Yamhill Valley Vineyards (more on this amazing wine later). best quote about love “there is no love more sincere than the love of food.”
after i eat my feelings, my self-care will start to incorporate some sort of physical activity…but for now…I EAT!
the new wifestyle: do what you need to do to take care of yourself
1) how do you practice self-care?
2) what are some of your favorite comfort foods?
3) how’s life in your world?
Leanna Lindquist
July 30, 2013 at 11:29 am
It is true, cookies and milk make it all better.
July 31, 2013 at 10:45 pm
thanks for the hugs leanna and glad you agree that cookies and milk make it all better!
July 30, 2013 at 2:32 pm
Chelsea: I can see that we’d get along just fine because whereever there are any cookies sitting out, you could have all of them (I’m not a cookie person), but I’m all about sharing wine and pasta. I read your blog all the time, but my life has gotten a little bit busier myself, so I haven’t always posted. Keep up the good work. Love your food pictures. I still cannot get over that enormous donut-cake-tower you posted a picture of, a while ago. <3
July 31, 2013 at 10:48 pm
whaaaaaat! i am a little in shock that you aren’t a cookie person june but you are SO right in that it works to my advantage because you would let me have yours-thank you! thanks so much for reading and no worries about not posting but love when you do 🙂 i hope life isn’t too too busy and you are doing well! 🙂
Heather Hawkins
July 30, 2013 at 7:34 pm
You said moist!!! EWWWWWW!
1)There is lots of singing. Just singing random stuff I’m doing to try to make myself laugh.
2) Potato. Just a potato anyway you can cook it covered in lots of things that aren’t good for you.
3) I have to get the US and Australia to agree on what is and what is not legal concerning the transport of a child over an international border. AUS says sole custody if you are doing it alone (or a death certificate…unfortunately I don’t have one of those for the OTHER person), Missouri says “the courts can tell you and we say yes.” Other than that, everything is flippin’ fantastic!
July 31, 2013 at 10:51 pm
yeeeeeees! i KNEW i’d get someone using the word moist! ohhh i should try more singing and sing only to happy songs! i have a long car ride tomorrow so i may just do this. excellent choice on potato-i share the same love of those too! daaang that sounds a tad bit stressful getting the US and AUS to come to an agreement but i hope the end is in sight in a happy and great way for you! glad everything else is flippin’ fantastic 🙂
July 30, 2013 at 11:43 pm
1) Sleep.
2) Chocolate cookies, french toast, anything that is deep fried.
3) I did notice…but unfortunately I’ve just entered a bit of a family emergency of my own too. I hope whatever it is/was for you…has been resolved in the best way possible.
Take care.
July 31, 2013 at 10:56 pm
ohhh how i miss sleep. why didn’t i think of french toast-you are a genius vivien! i’m sorry to hear your family is experiencing not such great things right now either 🙁 sending you happy thoughts and hugs and i hope the same for you. thanks for taking the time to comment and be sure to take care of yourself too