S’more Magic (Bars) Please!
whew we had a fantastic day yesterday! right now i mainly want to highlight dinner time because that’s when the magic happened. first off, i got to see two lovely ladies i grew up with in colorado (our moms our BFFs). hilary has a grown-up job here in houston and her sister anna came out to visit this weekend (i used to babysit her for many years-so wild to see a 15 before me)!
they brought over a gorgeous and sophisticated salad full of mango, strawberries and goat cheese on top of veggies and it was delicious (my mom probably can’t believe i like goat cheese now when with fruit…i’m growing up…kinda).
ravery also made us a delicious dinner with BBQ chicken and grilled corn (best way to eat corn evvvver). i am so glad i married someone who likes to cook and is good at it because i really don’t like it at all. don’t worry, i told him his hair looked a little crazy after i took the picture but we were swimming just before dinner because it was 101 yesterday and so hoooot. so you can’t be too judgy. we had a great time catching up and coming up hilarious hashtags like #onlypretendingtobeanadult and #cornrowsareunacceptablekesha.
i was also really excited about this meal because i got to try out a new dessert that i found on a blog i read from hungry runner girl that looked out of this world! i have been craving s’mores since we were in yellowstone a month ago and they had a whole shelf dedicated to the campfire necessity. it is essentially a baked s’more (i’ll give you a moment to imagine what that might be like in your mouth. the answer: almost too much).
it was amaaaaazing and super fun to make because you could eat most all of the ingredients along the way too (i don’t recommend the shortening alone). i judge a good dessert based on how delicious the batter is and this one…delectable. it was fluffy because of the marshmallows, crunchy because of the chocolate chips and of course with the base of sugar/butter/eggs, you can never go wrong. the crust of this is crushed up graham crackers so you can get a little aggression out during this preparation time. another reason why baking is like therapy.
ravery snapped this picture of me and i thought it did a good job of capturing how ridiculously long my arms are. my wing span is outstanding and this helps me not have to get up as often to reach things.
when i pulled this out, i honestly made everyone get up and come look at it because of how excited i was at all the melty, ooey-gooey, toasted, cookiness of this dessert!
you are supposed to let it cool before cutting…but i turned around and ravery already went to town on it. at first, i got a little mouthy because those weren’t the directions but then i decided to change my attitude and it actually made it look all swirly and even more mouth watering so i took a chill pill (aka a bite) and decided dessert wasn’t ruined. we all ate a piece before dinner because we are only kind of adults and don’t make you eat all your dinner before you get dessert. that’s how i get kids to like me too.
when anna tried it she said “are these like magic bars or something?” i got overly excited about the word magic because i’m a harry potter nerd (i guess there is another dessert with simliar ingredients) but we dubbed them s’more magic because we always need more magic (and more of these bars).
i would recommend making this today and eating 2 bars then taking a nap. hey, that’s what sundays are for! here’s how to add some magic to your life:
for the crust:
2 1/4 cups graham crackers (1.5 sleeves), crushed with passion
2/3 cup butter, melted
1/3 cup sugar
for the main magic:
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shortening ——– (at first i was leery of baking with shortening but it was a good choice)
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups mini marshmallows
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 hershey bars
crank the oven to 350 degrees.
combine the graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and sugar. press into the bottom of a 13×9 in pan and bake for 7 minutes. let cool slightly (and during this time, make sure you don’t eat all the marshmallows).
cream butter, shortening, sugar and brown sugar together. blend in eggs and vanilla. stir in flour, salt and baking soda. using a wooden spoon, mix in the chocolate chips and marshmallows.
spread the magic over the graham cracker crust. bake for 10 minutes. remove from oven, let cool for a few minutes and top with broken pieces of hershey bars. stick it back in the oven and bake for 15 more minutes. remove and allow to cool before cutting or dive in and then eat too much!
wife lesson: you don’t always have to follow the rules 100% for things to still turn out great!
1) do you eat the batter when you bake?
2) are you good at letting the little things go in your relationship or do you get upset when things aren’t done the way you picture them (i’m getting better..but i have been known to get a little upset)
3) favorite dessert to make? share some of your favorite desserts to make and perhaps i will need to indulge in those as well!
Leanna Lindquist
June 30, 2013 at 1:13 pm
You are really making me hungry. I have already shared your great recipe. That salad does look good too! Smores first, then the salad. :0)
July 1, 2013 at 10:42 am
leanna! thanks for your comment and you muuuuust either make the magic s’mores or have someone make them for you because they will rock your world! and yes, then eat your veggies 🙂 hope you are well!
Heather Hawkins
June 30, 2013 at 3:15 pm
1) Only…ALWAYS!
2) It depends on what it is and how stressed I was before I didn’t get my way. I’m trying but if I’m already pissed off I flip out fairly easily.
3) I’m a horrible, horrible baker. I’m a good cook though. For dessert I kinda just have to buy it or let Nick make one.
July 1, 2013 at 10:56 am
very good answer on the batter eating heather. also good point on if you were previously stressed out before whatever happened went wrong-98% of the time that’s true for me too! well at least you can cook-hey the 2 of us together could make a mean complete meal!
Paula Howley
July 1, 2013 at 2:17 am
1) Always. I get a little worried when there’s an egg in it though. it never stops me however.
2) I’m a seriously immature and big suck when things aren’t going my way. I really need to grow up.
3) I don’t really make dessert. I’ll just end up eating it and then getting all pissed off at myself.
July 1, 2013 at 10:58 am
for some reason i always picture gaston from beauty and the beast eating a dozen raw eggs and i assume that if he is fine, i will be too ha! i do forget that they can make you sick. glad to hear i’m not alone in being a “big suck”-i like that terminology paula! and i should note that we sent about 2/3 of the dessert home with our guests to eat and share with her roommates because i knew i would eat it all too. oh and happy birthday paula!
July 1, 2013 at 1:03 pm
1. Always.
2. I am getting better at this. I have found that if I let it go, it winds up working better than I thought. (surely not! I know the best way.. but really it winds up working out out.
3. Cakeballs. My husband says (no bias at all) they are the best thing he has ever eaten every time I make them.
July 2, 2013 at 4:09 pm
goooood answer jennifer! glad you are getting better at it…i’m continue to working on it too. ohhhh and cakeballs would be fun~ i’ve never made those but my sister has and they were delectable mmmm now i need cake
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