All posts tagged "couple blog"
chelsea | September 25, 2014
6 Songs to Motivate and Inspire You
do you ever have those days when it’s hard to feel motivated to do anything? zero motivation to...
chelsea | September 24, 2014
How Amanda is Living ‘The New Wifestyle’ in Her Marriage
i am SO excited because today marks a special day! i am rolling out a new series all...
chelsea | September 23, 2014
Is Frozen Food Really the Way to A Man’s Heart?
this is a sponsored post but all of the opinions are my own because i’m a lady with...
chelsea | September 22, 2014
Ben Folds + Oregon Symphony = Reminder to Blaze Your Own Trail!
i had a real life weekend this past weekend and it was amazing. when you start your own...
chelsea | September 19, 2014
My Dog and I are TV Stars (and My “Look” is Questionable)
i absolutely love and appreciate the thoughtful discussion that occurred about biological clocks ticking, surging or not functioning...
chelsea | September 17, 2014
Is My Biological Clock Broken?
as you know from my last post where i basically (wo)man-handled a pregnant lady, i am super intrigued and...
chelsea | September 15, 2014
Pregnant Soulfriend, Seattle On-Demand Poetry, and Homemade Cinnamon Rolls
i have finally reached the age where my friends are intentionally getting pregnant (as opposed to those ‘whoops-surprise...
chelsea | September 12, 2014
Very Easy Pot Roast Recipe (and I didn’t Burn the House Down!)
it’s been a somewhat mentally challenging week over here in my brain as i’ve come to get settled...
chelsea | September 11, 2014
The Pursuit of Capabilities Isn’t Supposed to be Comfortable
i just got back from a run. i’m not a marathon runner. i don’t experience the runner’s high...
chelsea | September 9, 2014
How to Set Relationship Goals
like i’ve mentioned previously, goals sort of freak me out and i used to avoid them because it’s...
chelsea | September 8, 2014
What To Do When You “Just Don’t Feel Like It”
do you ever just wake up and say “yeah…i’m just not really interested in doing anything productive today...
chelsea | September 6, 2014
Currently…September Link-Up!
here’s the thing…i’ve set a goal to be a better blogger and that means i actually have to...
chelsea | September 5, 2014
Honeymoon in Phuket, Thailand!
thanks everyone for the sweet anniversary messages via the blog, facebook, instagram, the real-life phone, etc.! it has...
chelsea | September 4, 2014
A Small Crime Committed on Our Anniversary + Happy Balcony!
it is the day after our anniversary and after my promises shared and my husband sharing what it’s like to...
chelsea | September 3, 2014
Promises to My Husband on Our 4th Anniversary
today marks my 4th year of married life aka officially wifestylin’! i am a bit freaked out...