Currently…September Link-Up!
here’s the thing…i’ve set a goal to be a better blogger and that means i actually have to participate in the blogging community. i know most of my readers through personal connections, non-profit organizations or they birthed me (hi mom!). so from time to time you are going to see “link-ups” where multiple bloggers get together and…link up.
it’s a way for us to meet new blogger friends with similar interests or who we find hilarious. most times it will be a prompt and the idea is that we all put our personal spin on the topic and get crazy. i am joining this one thanks to my very smart friend, alison, who is an avid blog reader and helps me navigate this world.
it’s entitled “currently” and is put on by jenna at dearest love and anne at in residence-good work ladies!
writing: i am spending most of my time writing blog posts and toying with the idea of picking my book up again. the statement of “i’m writing a book” feels incredibly overwhelming to me so maybe i should just say “i’m writing a long blog post.”
anticipating: i am anticipating my husband coming home. he’s working with his mentor and has been away for 5 hours. this is the most time spent apart that we’ve had in over 3 weeks (30 hours on a plane does that to you) and i’m beginning to realize my separation anxiety needs to chill out because i love alone time.
wearing: hmmm. this could be a tricky category for me to fill out. i realize “style” is part of “wifestyle” but i’d say 300 days out of the year i’m in workout clothes (not necessarily meaning i have or will workout). today is no different, a white cami and gray running shorts.
craving: cookies. after trying (but mainly smelling) the gag-inducing fruit of durian in malaysia (it smells like garlic and rotting flesh and gasoline and bad dreams) and eating way too much pad thai in thailand, i just want a simple, warm, chocolate chip, all-american cookie. or cookies. maybe that will help with run-on sentences?
missing: not my wine glasses that were stolen on our anniversary! those are back! i am missing my family baaaad. i wish they would all just move to portland already. the rain won’t even start for another month or two…c’moooon.
jenna @ dearest love
September 7, 2014 at 5:08 pm
It sounds like you really love to travel!! Malaysia and Thailand?! That’s pretty awesome. 🙂
Thanks for linking up!
jenna @ dearest love recently posted…/ / Our Wedding: What I Wore
September 8, 2014 at 8:50 am
thanks for creating the link-up jenna! i’m excited to have this be my first one, looks like some great ladies are on it 🙂
and yes travel is very important to the hubs and i and malaysia and thailand are the farthest we’ve been-quite the adventures that were had!