All posts tagged "couple blog"
chelsea | August 14, 2013
my war with anxiety
if you’ve been a reader for a while or an in-person friend or in my family or married...
chelsea | August 12, 2013
the husband scuba dives while the wife soaks up the sun!
it’s official…i am married to a certified scuba diver! and it’s doubly official…i still have no desire to...
chelsea | August 11, 2013
segway tour of houston involving an encounter with a tree
whew it’s been an action packed weekend! we kicked off the weekend with a segway tour of downtown...
chelsea | August 7, 2013
4 Ways to Fall Asleep More in Love!
i will be the first to admit that sometimes i’m a skeptic. sometimes i roll my eyes when...
chelsea | August 1, 2013
self-care still in the works
do you ever have those days when you can’t quite put your finger on why you feel so...
chelsea | July 25, 2013
why, yes it is my half birthday!
yeah…you read that right. today, i turn 26 1/2 and yes my husband wished me a “half happy...
chelsea | July 22, 2013
married AND still an individual. whoa.
don’t get me wrong, i love my husband deeply- love our partnership, love being with him and holding...
chelsea | July 19, 2013
why “me” time is vital
something very very VERY important is happening tomorrow between the hours of 8:45am-3:30pm…i am participating in “me” time!...
chelsea | July 18, 2013
how will your 67 minutes today change the world?
you may not know this but nelson mandela’s birthday is today, which conviently coinsides with “Nelson Mandela International...
chelsea | July 15, 2013
how to stop a tree from crying at an engagement party
a little more than a year ago, a tree that overlooks my grandparent’s deck had a limb die...
chelsea | July 13, 2013
i SURPRISED my mom (and myself even more!)
before i get to the fact that i’m sitting in kansas city right next to my uncle (who...
chelsea | July 3, 2013
cue mini-freak out
you know those days when you just wake up and feel like it might be a rough one...
chelsea | June 30, 2013
S’more Magic (Bars) Please!
whew we had a fantastic day yesterday! right now i mainly want to highlight dinner time because that’s...
chelsea | June 27, 2013
the foundation of a solid relationship
communication and trust. those are the two words i would use to describe what started our foundation of...