My Dog and I are TV Stars (and My “Look” is Questionable)
i absolutely love and appreciate the thoughtful discussion that occurred about biological clocks ticking, surging or not functioning at all on wednesday. thanks for making me feel less weird about it and also sharing your own experiencing regarding procreation.
i have a funny story to share with you on this fine friday. i am now officially a television star. i will happily sign your t-shirt when i see you next, no problem.
if we are friends or you follow me on facebook, you may have seen the post about 19 hours ago that says this:
there are some other quality comments on there like #joebro looking so bro when he got interviewed once so that made me feel better. also…why wasn’t i wearing my stripes?! jeeez. 3/4 of my closet is stripes but instead i wear a very portland recycling/flower t-shirt.
let’s talk about that when you work from home, you tend to not really look the mirror like you might if you are going into an office and have to be around other people. maybe that’s just me? i was also planning on working out so i hadn’t taken a shower yet (although let’s be real, sometimes i just don’t shower at all or remember to brush my teeth only after lunch. gasp!)
overshare time…i was also not wearing a brassiere (as grandmothers will call it) because i was going to change into workout clothes and i have this weird thing where i hate taking clothes on and off so the least, the better. i know, i said it’s weird!
so i take a break in the action to walk our sweet little dog, sugar, because my hubs was out of town yesterday (actually across the country in south carolina) so i put on a frumpy sweater and head out the door.
2 minutes into our walk, a news crew rushes up to us and begs to hear our story (okay it was 2 people and they asked if we walked along here a lot). i immediately become self-conscious of my looks and my greasy hair but agree to it because i don’t want to be responsible for holding back my dog from stardom. i can’t have that on my shoulders.
fiiiiine here’s the video and not just screen shots of it:
as you can see in the video, i provide really helpful information like pointing in the general direction of the water to let people know where the dangerous algae is…
these are the lines they didn’t use but are on film somewhere:
“the amount of love i feel for this dog is just ridiculous. if something happened to her that was preventable…oh i’d be so mad. oh and very sad. actual devastated. how do we love dogs so much?!”
“she loves jumping and climbing on rocks. she’s like a mountain goat.”
“we aren’t sure exactly what kind of dog she is. a little maltese and maybe dalmatian?”
“i’m sorry camera man that she is barking at you. she doesn’t really like men, especially ones holding large pieces of equipment in her face. we’re working on it.”
“yeah…i work from home. usually i look a little more put together but…is there anything in my teeth?”
but they did capture this face and i like to call that part in my hair “replica of a river flowing however it damn well pleases”:
yeah, i got super self-conscious for a little bit because i can clean up a little better than this but hey…i’m me. i’m real. just like j-lo says. i really did plan on showering later, especially since i had to pick up my hubs from the airport and i wanted him to see the cleaned-up version of me.
i stopped by target on my way to pick him up to exchange our stolen-then-return-but-broken anniversary wine glasses and you know what the lady who was at customer service said?
“by the way, that’s a really cute outfit you have on!”
i almost jumped over the counter and hugged her! i proceeded to tell her how much that means to me, especially after my frumpy interview earlier and we all had a good laugh (i somehow roped in 4 other people to listen to my tales of death algae and greasy hair). i wish i could tell you that i always feel confident and pretty on my own but alas, i am human and compliments do brighten my day.
thankfully, i snapped this selfie in the airport bathroom mere moments before i saw my husband for our make-out session reunion. i had to prove to you that i really did take a shower later. that “scarf” is really a sarong from thailand with elephants on it. heeeeyo!
on a serious note, if you live in portland, really do keep your dogs away from the willamette river because the algae can kill them in an hour apparently. here’s the full news story about it.
after the news woman told me that it was killing dog in under an hour, any slight noise or movement sugar made for the rest of the afternoon i fretted about and thought maybe she got the algae on her paws and would die at any second. thankfully she is fine and i’m overly dramatic. what’s new. happy friday!
1) have you ever been on the news before? about what?
2) how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? (if i have nowhere to go…0-5 minutes, obviously. if i have to go somewhere AND have to shower, i’d say 27 minutes tops).
3) do you compliment people on how they look?
4) it’s friday! yay! what are you most looking forward to about the weekend?
September 19, 2014 at 6:54 pm
Thank you for this. Loved your insight and the expression on your face in that screen shot. Hubby’s out of town for the weekend so ‘thank you for being a frieeeeend.”
Christina recently posted…Plaid Thai [Food & Fashion]
September 20, 2014 at 4:58 pm
ha! glad you liked my expression christina…my husband was like “why would you put that on there?” UM BECAUSE IT’S HILARIOUS?! duh. 🙂 hope you have some fun things planned for the weekend even though your hubby is out of town (ladies night anyone 🙂 )
September 20, 2014 at 3:14 am
Oh my gosh, I know a tv star!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I post you my shirt for signing so I can wear it to all our TM events???? (actually, that would be funny)
Melinda recently posted…Bad Body Language
September 20, 2014 at 4:59 pm
hahaha this cracked me up, melinda! i will be awaiting your t-shirt in the mail and make sure to add “where leaders are made” for your TIM events. ha!
September 21, 2014 at 12:03 am
Hehehehehe…. 🙂
Melinda recently posted…Bad Body Language
Amber Blazek
September 21, 2014 at 4:12 pm
This post is quite funny to me, maybe because I work from home 3/4 of the time and can completely relate lol 🙂
So, I’ve never been on the news…but I have been in a magazine but kinda not so much…funny (not really “funny” but odd maybe) story actually…when I was seven years old, I was at a funeral for my best friend’s uncle. He was a taxi cab driver who was murdered in Houston (the not funny part). But apparently there was a magazine crew there that wanted to cover the story, and they asked my best friend’s mom if they could take a picture of my best friend for the article. So, her mom told them her name and what she looked like etc. My best friend and I were the same age and looked pretty much the same at that age. Well, I just remember having this lady come up to me and ask me if she could take my picture; never asked my name. I told her yes and let her take it. My picture ended up in the magazine with my friend’s name. So the picture is me, the name…nope, not me lol.
And if I have nowhere to go, 0-5 minutes to get ready, too. If I have somewhere to go, 20 max. The luxury of being a butch lesbian….lol
Amber Blazek recently posted…Beyond the Surface
September 22, 2014 at 8:32 am
ha glad you can relate amber! also…yes not funny that your friend’s uncle died but totally funny that they labeled you as his niece and your picture ended up in the magazine! goes to show you we shouldn’t assume 🙂 haaaa “luxury of being a butch lesbian” cracked me up! rock it lady.
Amber Blazek
September 23, 2014 at 3:39 pm
When you can’t change something, you must learn to embrace it lol 🙂
Amber Blazek recently posted…Girls, Boys, and Everything in Between: Gender and Families in a Changing World
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