My Top 13 Proudest Posts
greetings from new zealand! we are having an absolutely incredible time, i am so excited to share photos and stories from our journey (and even more ready to be back home with our daughter)!
i’ve been at this blogging business since june 2013 – hard to believe! i was talking with a friend and she asked about what my favorite things were to write about.
that got me thinking about some of the best posts (in my humble opinion) that i’ve written. these are all posts that were emotional to write and required a few deep breathes before pressing ‘publish.’
also in looking through my 600+ posts i’ve written on here, i was somewhat surprised to see how many of the ‘scared to write and publish posts’ had to do with procreation and my anxiety.
what i’ve found is that when i feel strongly about a topic and i’m also vulnerable in what i share, people are able to relate to these posts best. point being – be you. people like you.
people stumble across my blog during various points in its creation so perhaps you’ve missed some posts! here’s your chance to catch up!
my top 13 proudest posts i’ve written:
- “how anxiety is affecting my marriage”
- “is my biological clock broken?“
- “the real reason i don’t want a baby (right now)“
- “procreation choices“
- “why i’m choosing a midwife and birth center“
- “when becoming a mother isn’t what you expected“
May 17, 2018 at 9:23 am
Awwww- the Sugar pic <3
Some of these are my favorites from you, too! I love the "i can do hard things" post and the biological clock one! The breastfeeding one was SUCH an awesome resource to share with other moms, too!
May 30, 2018 at 12:03 pm
i love that blogging has brought us together, audrey! i sometimes still go back and read my ‘i can do hard things’ post, is that weird? haha
June 25, 2018 at 4:26 am
Hi! These are great and super helpful and insightful. One question I wanted to ask that I haven’t read much about from a personal experience point of view was how couples manage their finances. What is best practice? What is recommended? How do you manage
June 26, 2018 at 11:45 am
hi khatidja! great question about finances, since it is one of the biggest sources of conflict within relationships. i’ve found that there isn’t one ‘best practice’ but rather the couple needs to sort out what works for them. we share all the money we make, but i know other happy couples who have one account they both contribute to and then spend the money they earn on what they please!
here are a few articles around money too 🙂
all of our money goes into four accounts: living (every expenses), giving (it’s very important for both of us to give to organizations we believe in), savings/investing (things will come up) and then travel (it’s a big deal for us)!