How to Throw A Birthday Party for a Dog
are you a dog person? if so, then this post is right up your alley. if you are not, then please feel free to keep reading and you can totally judge me for throwing a dog birthday party. that’s on you.
first, a little background. our new dog, sugar, was originally rescued and adopted by my in-laws in texas. we sort of fell in love with her while we were living in texas for a hot (literal) minute last year. we were going to take her with us to portland but decided we traveled too much to give her a happy home. fast forward to june when my in-laws other dog started getting cranky because she’s old and didn’t want sugar around anymore. how could you not want this little face around anymore!?
with a heavy heart, my in-laws made the decision to give sugar to us so both dogs could be happier. i never thought i’d own a little dog, let alone a little white dog with crazy curls but oh my goodness i love her more than i thought possible. i grew up with an adorable standard beagle and a massively sweet yellow lab! we weren’t a little dog family.
according to the rescue vet, she was born on 10/10/10 which is a very accurate date for a dog found on the street. since i was in colorado (YAY) and my husband is still galavanting in three different states on the east coast for that date, we decided to celebrate her birthday while my dad was here last weekend. this occurred after our trip to the winery so that may have had something to do with the party.
ridiculous, right?! YES. but we did it anyways.
here is how to throw a doggy birthday party:
step 1: find some sort of party attire
if you have a little dog, you have about 39 outfits to choose from at your local pet store. if you’d rather spend $30 dollars on going to happy hour, then you can find a bow and put it on your dog’s head.
we started out with a big red bow on her head and she was adorable but weighed her down and she wasn’t into it.
we had to downsize because birthday girls should be comfortable. we asked my dad to color in a little white bow my husband found (AKA took off the floor of a friend’s house) and she allowed this one on her head for longer.
step 2: set up the party scene:
i hung up a superhero birthday sign for her above her little boat/bed. this was reused from my husband’s birthday extravaganza that celebrities were at so i knew she’d love it. i realize that something inside of me has changed and now i am one of those gross dog people that have birthday parties for their dogs and i want to be sorry but i’m not. i just can’t be because look at this!
step 3: invite all your dog’s best friends
you should really do this. we did not because our party was impromptu but for more seasoned dog owners, this is a must. i would imagine it would look something like this:
according to a quick google image search, i am lot less crazy than many dog owners.
step 4: give your dog a birthday treat
my husband picked out a rawhide bone for her. it wasn’t until i saw the spelling of r-a-w-h-i-d-e did i fully understand that indeed this was real hide from a real animal and gagged twice. my childhood pets had these but they were all shaped like cute little bones and never still a cow’s ear. i couldn’t handle it and had to turn away from her after i took this picture to stop from gagging.
she ran around with it for about 3 minutes and didn’t care about it at all. i KNEW we should have gotten her little gourmet cookies.
step 5: take photos to remember this excellent dog birthday party for years to come!there is a 93% chance this will be our christmas card photo.
i hope you have enjoyed my highly detailed and non-satirical way to throw a birthday party for your dog.
1) do you have a pet? if yes, do you celebrate his/her birthday?
2) tell me about any pets growing up!
3) do you think people get crazy with love and adoration for their pets or is it justified?
pass this article on to make someone laugh or maybe roll their eyes 🙂
Pebby Garner
October 13, 2014 at 11:49 am
Love the picture of Sugar licking your face!! I currently have a cat but I have had pets for about 90% of my life. Growing up, we had dogs and cats and for a while, we had chickens, guinea hens, goats, sheep, cows, rabbits and even a baby deer. While I have never had birthday parties for my pets, I say go for it!! It’s a good thing to celebrate. And yes, some people go overboard on their pets but sometimes they are the only companion that you have. Besides, they love you unconditionally (yes, even cats!).
October 14, 2014 at 8:38 am
haha me too! it was captured at just the right moment, pebby! wow it sounds like you had quite the plethora of animals growing up-how fun! i want a baby deer now 🙂 those pets sure do love us unconditionally, don’t they. agreed that we should celebrate them!
chelsea recently posted…How to Throw A Birthday Party for a Dog
October 13, 2014 at 12:20 pm
I totally had an adoptionversary party for my puppy (since we don’t know his birthday). We went to the park, all pets and people wore silly party hats and we had a doggie cake made too. So fun.
Amanda recently posted…Friday Faves
October 14, 2014 at 8:40 am
awww adoptionversary is such a good idea, amanda! that is so awesome that people and pets dress up and had a doggie cake made! love it.
Lindsay @ The Newlywed Notebook
October 14, 2014 at 8:35 am
OMG this is amazing! We just threw our little pup a party for her first birthday, but we didn’t have the opportunity to invite any doggy friends over. That will have to be the goal for this year. Your puppy is adorable!! I’m sure she is so so happy to have you both for her mommy and daddy! 🙂
Lindsay @ The Newlywed Notebook recently posted…Sometimes Future Predictions Aren’t Wrong…
October 14, 2014 at 8:41 am
awww yay happy birthday, stella!! agreed for puppy invites going out next year for ours too! we sure do love her and her ‘interesting’ and adorable look 🙂 thanks lindsay!
chelsea recently posted…How to Throw A Birthday Party for a Dog
October 14, 2014 at 12:04 pm
1. My husband and I have an evil cat named Penny Lane (my bad, I didn’t know he was a boy) that we call Mr. Kitty, a very spoiled Pomeranian (my fault) named Penguin, and a goofy black lab named Bella. Every year we talk about having a birthday party for them and forget. You have inspired me to remember next year.
2. Growing up my mom had a poodle that she treated like a baby. Poor 3-year old me had to go to therapy because I thought my mom loved him more than me (only child issues)
3. I think the love and adoration is totally justified! Especially when you don’t have children yet. I know my Penguin is like my baby. (hence the spoiled issue)
Rebecca recently posted…I Am Not What My Scale Says
October 18, 2014 at 11:45 am
haha i know must meet penny lane/ mr. kitty aka the evil cat and penguin! please do have a birthday party for all of your animals and take photos because i need ideas for our next one.
hah my mother in law is the same way with her poodle-maybe it’s a symptom of owning a poodle?! hope you got that all sorted out 🙂 i mean it’s hard to NOT spoil animals when they are so cute and need us to, right?!
chelsea recently posted…Colorado Weekend, Mashed Potato Bar and Poor Husband
Amanda Wood
October 14, 2014 at 12:40 pm
I’m debating on throwing a party for my cats… but I doubt they will let me dress them up at all.
Amanda Wood recently posted…A Grateful List 2
October 18, 2014 at 11:43 am
pleeeeease still try, amanda! maybe you can sneak a piece of tape on their back or something (that’s as far as i got with my cats) haaa 🙂
chelsea recently posted…Colorado Weekend, Mashed Potato Bar and Poor Husband
October 15, 2014 at 9:49 pm
This is so cute! I throw a party for my dog Trixie every year. Her first birthday was pink and green and dog bones, her second was pink and brown and paw prints, her third was pink and black with sparkles and feathers like a 21st birthday haha! I totally go overboard, but she deserves it. And obviously I don’t have kids yet =)
October 18, 2014 at 11:42 am
haaa i love it, rebecca!! trixie sounds like a lucky puppy! i love that you have cute themes each year too! at least we can admit we go overboard and still have a fun time, huh 🙂
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