Friends Make the World Go ‘Round (and Beard Competitions)
it’s super fun when friends come to visit because that means you get to do ridiculous things and play on the beach instead of working-yay! our friend cassie came to visit this weekend and we started off the adventures with a ‘beard competition.’ yes, you read that correctly.
my husband is basically the opposite of bearded men-thank goooodness. i don’t really do facial hair.
here’s the whole gang and thanks to beki for bringing this competition to our attention. this is the reason you have friends with different interests than you so they are aware of hilarious things going on that you probably would be clueless about.
i would also like to say that i had nothing to drink that night and my eyes are half open because it was 11:30pm, a full 1.5 hours after my bedtime. we left soon after because i’m an old lady. you should also be impressed that my husband is able to do a selfie and fully fit 7 people in it-he’s basically bradley cooper.
yesterday we spent all day at cannon beach, oregon and it was a truly glorious day. these past few weeks have had more sun than rain and it truly makes a world of difference. this is very different than the sideways rain and 35mph wind we experienced when my mom and stepdad were in town!
our lovely friend cassie is also a stellar photographer (and was our wedding photographer) so be sure to check out cassie rosch photography-she’s willing to traveling and takes the best pictures.
she really is the best. in fact, it was at her 20th birthday party that ravery and i met, laughed and started falling in love. thanks for being born, cassie and happy early birthday!
we’ve decided to always catch up while frolicking on the beach. it does wonders for the soul and our hair.
as you are driving back on 26-east from the coast to portland, you will pass a jerky station. you should stop there because they really have a wide variety of jerky (60 to be exact) and other less meaty snacks. we only a little bit felt like it could end as a horror movie so go before dark just to be safe.
our carload purchased the alligator, kangaroo and beef jerky. i tried none because ย i am still traumatized from eating buffalo jerky in front of a buffalo. what i can tell you is that the kangaroo smelled awful.
we had many laughs, appreciated both friends from many years ago to newer friends and a weekend full of sunshine. quality people should not be taken for granted.
the rain is setting in tomorrow probably until june so there is a high probability that i will be bringing my desk outside to do work in the sun! and maybe try the kangaroo if i’m feeling daring.
the new wifestyle: make priority the quality people in your life
1) highlight of your weekend?
2) what type of jerky would you eat?
3) what are your feelings on facial hair?
Heather Hawkins
March 24, 2014 at 11:09 am
1) I came home to see a fully finished tabletop catapult that my husband and the little one made. She was quite happy and decorated it in hello kitty stickers.
2) Honestly, most jerkies. BUT NOT TURKEY. I accidentally got turkey jerky one day at the store and cried in the car while spitting it out. I didn’t even have time to explain to nick why i was so upset. All he saw as a crying wife spitting stuff out.
3) My daughter just asked if my recently clean shaven husband could “just grow back your beards yet?” And she informed me this morning that she’d be willing to get scratched in the face by stubble for awhile just to get her daddy’s beard back.
March 24, 2014 at 2:17 pm
wow that sounds like quite the surprise to come home to tabletop catapult-that’s pretty awesome! love that it’s also covered in hello kitty stickers! no turkey jerky for you, heather?! i will remember to never offer you that because i don’t want to see those tears! well if you are ever in oregon, you would LOVE this jerky store. that’s super sweet your daughter is willing to get scratched until daddy’s beard comes back-ha! ๐
March 24, 2014 at 12:00 pm
I love jerky!! I spent lots of time with family and watched my boys start to build a garden bed which is so exciting!! I like you do not do facial hair. I find my self constantly annoyed by the amount of facial hair I’m bombarded with in Portland. I know very judgy but it creeps me out.
March 24, 2014 at 2:14 pm
hahah oh shannon your comment of ‘very judgy but it creeps me out’ made me chuckle out loud! haha i agree. you would have haaaated the beard competition then-some were super scary and there was much bombarding. happy you got to spend the beautiful weekend in the sunshine watching your boys build a garden bed, how neat! thanks for your comment ๐
March 24, 2014 at 5:43 pm
1. highlight of my weekend… little grandbabies always!
2. vegetable jerky? tried kangaroo in Australia. So not a fan!
3. facial hair? nope…don’t like it. Clean shaven for me. :o)
March 25, 2014 at 9:42 am
awww baby action-yay debra! haha vegetable jerky! my friend picked up some veggie chips and they were sure delicious. agreed about that clean shaven ๐ hope you are having a great day!
March 25, 2014 at 11:54 am
1. The highlight of my weekend was that I went to DOA Wrestling at the East Portland Moose Lodge. It gives me a chance to let my inner tomboy out! ๐
2. Hmmm- jerky? I think I would be willing to try ANY, because I like being open-minded when it comes to food.
3. I LOVE facial hair and always pout when Nic (my honey) has to shave for work (he’s in retail- so yeah).
March 25, 2014 at 6:12 pm
ohhh sounds like you had a fun weekend carlen! it’s important to let that inner tomboy out! we are the opposites when it comes to open-mindedness and food. i have the tastebuds of a 6 year old ha! you would really like it in that store…quite interesting ๐