All posts tagged "relationship blog"
chelsea | September 11, 2014
The Pursuit of Capabilities Isn’t Supposed to be Comfortable
i just got back from a run. i’m not a marathon runner. i don’t experience the runner’s high...
chelsea | September 9, 2014
How to Set Relationship Goals
like i’ve mentioned previously, goals sort of freak me out and i used to avoid them because it’s...
chelsea | September 8, 2014
What To Do When You “Just Don’t Feel Like It”
do you ever just wake up and say “yeah…i’m just not really interested in doing anything productive today...
chelsea | September 6, 2014
Currently…September Link-Up!
here’s the thing…i’ve set a goal to be a better blogger and that means i actually have to...
chelsea | September 5, 2014
Honeymoon in Phuket, Thailand!
thanks everyone for the sweet anniversary messages via the blog, facebook, instagram, the real-life phone, etc.! it has...
chelsea | September 3, 2014
Promises to My Husband on Our 4th Anniversary
today marks my 4th year of married life aka officially wifestylin’! i am a bit freaked out...
chelsea | September 1, 2014
Traveling to the Beaches of Koh Phi Phi Don Island, Thailand
after a fun few days in phuket, thailand we woke up to catch the first ferry to koh...
chelsea | August 29, 2014
Traveling in Phuket, Thailand-Pad Thai, Coconuts and Sharks oh my!
oh my goodness! we are having an absolutely amazing time in thailand, despite it actually being rainy season...
chelsea | August 27, 2014
41 Questions to Ask Before you Get Married
as i was writing the post about our engagement, i was trying to remember how i had my future...
chelsea | August 26, 2014
Our Engagement Story
if you haven’t already read about my boyfriend asking my divorced parents to meet him at chili’s so...
chelsea | August 25, 2014
Do You Still Need ‘Permission’ to Get Married?
from the foreshadowing of the last blog and my boyfriend listing me as his emergency contact during his emergency...
chelsea | August 24, 2014
Fish Sucked on Our Toes in Malaysia (Adventure Day in Kuala Lumpur)
my goal for this post is less of my rambling and more photos because it’s pushing midnight here...
chelsea | August 23, 2014
Why Aren’t There More Women Competing in the World Championship of Public Speaking?
this morning in malaysia was the 2014 world championship of public speaking! it was in a gorgeous venue at...
chelsea | August 22, 2014
Not that Girl Who Dreamed of Weddings and Marriage
where were we? oh yeah…i don’t panic when this guy basically says “i’m not looking for a girlfriend...
chelsea | August 21, 2014
Let the Malaysian Adventures Begin!
we have made it to kuala lumpur, malaysia! the flights were all good, not too much turbulence...