All posts tagged "blogs for wives"
chelsea | December 1, 2014
#GratefulLove is Complete + Our Bedtime Ritual!
i hope everyone had a fantastic thanksgiving if you celebrated in the united states! for those in canada,...
chelsea | November 27, 2014
Giving Thanks for the Bigs and Littles
first off, thanks to all of the fabulous people participating in #GratefulLove! i absolutely love connecting with other...
chelsea | November 26, 2014
The New Wifestyle Profile | Michelle
happy thanksgiving eve, everyone (yes, we should be celebrating)! i am super excited to share today’s wifestyle profile...
chelsea | November 24, 2014
The Start of #GratefulLove + $70 Giveaway!
hooray, it’s the start of #GratefulLove today! i hope you are joining in to focus on the positives...
chelsea | November 23, 2014
Join Me for 7 Days of #GratefulLove Tomorow!
happy sunday! i hope you are having a fabulous weekend! remember my how i ruined christmas once by...
chelsea | November 21, 2014
The Downside of Decorating too Early for Christmas
the downside of decorating too early for christmas. is that a really thing? i used to not think so...
chelsea | November 20, 2014
How To Decide Where to Spend the Holidays
how to decide where to spend the holidays each year can be overwhelming, tear-inducing and complex, especially after...
chelsea | November 19, 2014
Wifestyle Profile – “I Met My Husband In A Bar!”
it’s that time again for another “wifestyle profile!” i asked this friend of mine to share her story...
chelsea | November 18, 2014
Why Hong Kong is Awesome & a “Must See” City!
hong kong was an awesome place to visit but before we get to that, let’s talk about our...
chelsea | November 17, 2014
Does Your Dad Wish You Were A Boy?
as you may know, my husband and i just returned from a 17 day trip to six different...
chelsea | November 15, 2014
Visiting Shenzhen, China + Glass Bathrooms and Chicken Heads
i can’t leave out visiting shenzhen, china on the second part of our trip! we weren’t there for...
chelsea | November 14, 2014
Announcing an Exciting New Resource for Marriage!
drumroll please…i am excited to announce a new resource for marriage (and it’s not just because i’ve had...
chelsea | November 12, 2014
The New Wifestyle Profile | Kim
we are currently on our way home from china back to portland right this very second! i hope...
chelsea | November 10, 2014
3 Essential Tips For Traveling with Your Partner
ever wonder how people survive traveling with her/his partner for so long? my husband and i have been...
chelsea | November 7, 2014
What Can You Do With A Day in Shanghai, China?
we had one day in shanghai, china in between meetings and workshops and we packed it full! so...