Giving Thanks for the Bigs and Littles
first off, thanks to all of the fabulous people participating in #GratefulLove! i absolutely love connecting with other people who value their marriage and relationship! my mom even wanted to do it and i showed her how to post her first instagram photo and add a hashtag (at one point she did say “so where do i send my hashtag”)! there’s still time to join in if you want to!
today is obviously a perfect day to be sharing thankfulness and gratitude so here is a list of some of the things i’m most thankful for:
my health and the health of my friends and family
my husband – every ounce of him and as exactly as he is (even when he loses his keys 3x a day)
my family
my beliefs
my upbringing
the ability to decide what life i want to lead
my education
my dog
the ability to read
the ability to workout
a safe and cozy place to call home
a washer/dryer in my home
our car
harry potter
seeing colors and sunsets
smelling things baking
hearing laughter
tasting flavors
feeling hugs and handholds
being able to love and receive love
wheat thins
back rubs
playing games
alone time
the beach
the mountains
support and encouragement
warm clothes
thank you for reading, thank you for your encouragement with this blog and i hope you have a marvelous thanksgiving if you celebrate it. if you don’t, still have a marvelous thursday and give thanks for the big and little things in your life. as my texan husband would say “give thanks, y’all!”
what are a few things you are most thankful for today?
ps. remember last year when i barely made it to sit at the cool kids table in south carolina?!
Paula Howley
November 27, 2014 at 9:36 am
Happy Thanksgiving Yankee People!
I’m grateful that I’m starting to feel better. Grateful for my health.
Grateful for my body that still works.
Grateful for my mind that usually works.
Grateful for my hard working husband.
Grateful for my crazy little girl.
Grateful for the excitement of ideas that come together.
Grateful for the journey of finding my message.
Grateful for meaningful work that excites me and helps others.
Grateful for all the experiences and people I’ve met who have shaped me into the person I am today.
Have a lovely day Chelsea. Give yourself and Ryan a hug for me. I’m grateful for you two too. 🙂
Grateful for my life!
Paula Howley recently posted…Head Start Public Speaking For Kids Week 7- Body Language and the Power Pose
November 27, 2014 at 8:13 pm
thanks so much paula and i loved reading all the things you’re grateful for! i also feel very grateful our paths crossed 🙂
Amanda Wood
November 29, 2014 at 6:17 am
Your list is amazing. The things you included on there are some things we forget to be thankful for. Tasting, reading, smelling, toothpaste! But they are so important.
Amanda Wood recently posted…Wishes Do Come True: Meet Bear
November 29, 2014 at 10:42 am
thanks for reading amanda! it was really powerful to put together because you are right…many things we forget to be thankful for because we get used to them!
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