Announcing an Exciting New Resource for Marriage!
drumroll please…i am excited to announce a new resource for marriage (and it’s not just because i’ve had a half gallon of chai)!
i’ve teamed up with 7 other marriage bloggers to create a joint resource community for wives and healthy marriages! i’m thrilled about connecting with these other ladies of different backgrounds, view points and personalities but all of us with a passion to spread the word that healthy and happy marriages can and do exist (though we all admit they take work)!
as of now, we have created a joint pinterest account that is solely focused on providing marriage-based resources, tips and ideas just for wives! topics range from Dates & Activities and Intimacy & Romance, to Money & Finance and General Marriage Tips & Advice. we have decided to call it “The Married Life.” shout out to lindsay of The Newlywed Notebook for pulling us all together and taking the lead!
be sure to check out the pinterest boards and the “meet the newlyweds” page to see the other women contributing!
i have a few more blog posts containing more of our adventures through china, more ‘different’ food we ate and how women are valued differently in china than they are in the united states so stay tuned.
can you believe it’s friday already?! truth be told…i had to look at my calendar for what day it actually is because this jet lag business is kicking me in the head.
what were you doing at 1am this morning? i hope you were sleeping because i was making the incorrect decision to unpack all four of our suitcases after our 17 day adventure in china since i couldn’t sleep. i have a feeling i’ll be going to bed around 5:37pm tonight.
my husband came out of the bedroom because apparently i was blasting gilmore girls too loudly?! i’m not sure if you can actually listen ‘too loudly’ to witty women and sentimental/relatable moments, husband.
you can tell i’m delirious by the way in which my limbs are all facing different directions.
although i still feel pretty loopy, one thing that i still know to be true regardless of how much sleep i’ve had, is that i’m passionate about empowering women and our relationships.
take time on this fine friday to reflect on the relationship you have now, the relationship you want to create and how you’re going move forward. i will be doing the same in between chugging chai to stay awake.
1) where or whom do you turn to in terms of seeking marriage advice or resources?
2) what is one thing you want to personally strive to be better at in your relationship? (i want to be less defensive towards my husband, even when i’m exhausted)
3) how quickly do you unpack from a trip?
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties
November 14, 2014 at 11:15 am
“you can tell i’m delirious by the way in which my limbs are all facing different directions.” bahahaha you are too funny. Mike is a pro at immediately unpacking from trips. We walk in the door and within 15 mins he’s done (but I suppose with the amount of stuff you pack for a 17 day trip, it might take him more like 20 minutes). Meanwhile it takes me like 3 days to get around to my stuff… ha!
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties recently posted…More Unnecessary Fees
November 15, 2014 at 10:00 am
haha i need mike to come over here and finish because i still have tons of piles of things that i just keep stepping around-ha! so i suppose i don’t really count as getting a jump on unpacking 🙂
November 14, 2014 at 11:32 am
I spy Krave jerky in your pile – good stuff:) Welcome back!
Amanda recently posted…Friday Faves + An Announcement
November 15, 2014 at 10:01 am
you spied correctly, amanda! i was afraid i wouldn’t be getting enough protein depending on the food but turns out…there is more than just chicken feet there 🙂
Lindsay @ The Newlywed Notebook
November 14, 2014 at 4:46 pm
So excited about teaming up on this with you!! And oh the joys of returning from a long tip – at least you have Lorelai and Rory to keep you company. 😉
Lindsay @ The Newlywed Notebook recently posted…“The Married Life” | A New Resource for Wives
November 15, 2014 at 10:02 am
lorelai and rory have been fantastic company (and jess just entered the scene!) it’s my first time watching the show so i can’t get enough. excited for ‘the married life’ and where it’s going!
Rachel G
November 14, 2014 at 6:31 pm
Hey, that’s exciting blog news! And I always have to unpack instantaneously–I can’t rest till everything is put away. It creates the biggest mess!
Rachel G recently posted…5 Things I Miss (And 5 I Don’t)
November 15, 2014 at 10:03 am
thanks rachel! i’m usually the same way too…although i started unpacking and did all the laundry but now it sits and stares at me…
Jess May
November 16, 2014 at 5:21 pm
I really struggle with knowing where to go for relationship advice – that’s why I’m studying to be a relationship and sex therapist! Both mine and my partner’s parents are divorced and can’t stand each other which is really sad and also a little disheartening for my partner. While we’re not married, we’ve been together for five years and in his eyes, that’s as good as the same. We have argued about it on occasion because I’d be honoured to be Mrs P but I can’t really invalidate his feelings either. SIGH! All in all, I feel like we’ve found our lingo and we’re at a point where things are running smoothly. If there’s one thing I’m always working on though, its being quick to snap when he hasn’t done something that I wanted him to. In reality… its just that I haven’t asked and expected him to be a mind reader!
Jess May recently posted…Ten Ballads For A Lonely Girlfriend
November 17, 2014 at 10:18 am
i feel you, jess on where to go for relationship advice! that’s amazing you are studying to be a relationship and sex therapist-love it! i also come from a divorced family and it’s tough so i’m also committed to doing what it takes to make our relationship work.
that sounds tricky with having differing views of marriage but i’m glad you’ve found your lingo and things are running smoothly between you two-that’s great!
i totally get pissy when my husband can’t read my mind either-glad we are both working on that 🙂