DIY Valentine’s Day Cards +TNW Interviews!

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how is the week already half-over (is maybe it’s half-full depending on your outlook on life)? we are moving in less than two weeks and i just started packing. by “packing” i mean i bought some boxes that are sitting in the living room and threw away old medication and cans of soup. i should probably get on that…

oh and it’s almost valentine’s day! i have written previously about expressing expectations for this holiday (and really at any time) because that’s what i see as the biggest conflict around valentine’s day in particular.

i have exciting news that i am now a regular contributor to Maid Brigade’s expanding blog (no, i’m not writing about cleaning – i’m covering the relationship side of things!) this month, i shared some DIY valentine’s day cards you could still make for you boo! i will share the cutest one my friend alison created…

DIY valentines cards 5

DIY valentines cards 6

my husband is under strict orders not to read that article yet because i have to present him with my favorite one when he gets back from galavanting in santa barbara. i think my travel-inspired one is my favorite!

i also want to share with you an interview i did with susie miller of “the better relationship podcast!” it was an honor to be featured on this podcast talking about relationships, empowerment and how ravery and i make it work for us! scroll past the large header that pops up and there i will be!

chelsea avery-brp

i was also interviewed by steve of “think, save, retire” blog about our adventures to antarctica! you can read more about why we chose to spend a chunk of “could-be-retirement-money” to travel the world HERE!

remember to “tell me something good” this friday! i have a story i am so excited and proud to share with you so get ready!

what are you plans for this valentine’s day? are you into it or do you wait until february 15 for the half-price chocolate?


  1. Jane

    February 10, 2016 at 8:49 am

    Your episode seems to missing out in susiemiller land ??

    • chelsea

      February 10, 2016 at 9:16 am

      hmm the link seems to be working for me (if you click the hyperlink and not the photo) but i’ll ask a few others if they are having issues. thanks for letting me know jane!

      • Jane H

        February 10, 2016 at 9:27 am

        Yes the link worked; couldn’t find your episode once I got there?

        • chelsea

          February 10, 2016 at 9:31 am

          hmm that’s odd because it directly links there. susie’s own header may be taking up your whole page so try scrolling down and my face should popup! thanks for being interested and sorry it’s causing you issues jane!

          you could also try this link but again scroll past where the large header takes up most of the screen 🙂

          chelsea recently posted…DIY Valentine’s Day Cards +TNW Interviews!

  2. Lauren

    February 10, 2016 at 8:54 am

    Oh my gosh, these are so cute!

    • chelsea

      February 10, 2016 at 9:16 am

      riiiiight?! she’s talented and patient! 🙂

  3. Audrey

    February 10, 2016 at 9:22 am

    You’re all over the internet today! I told K that I only wanted a card (and maybe some chocolate-covered strawberries) for Valentine’s Day. I still need to find my card for him- maybe the right idea is to MAKE the card! Thanks!!
    Audrey recently posted…The Words That Surround Me.

    • chelsea

      February 10, 2016 at 9:34 am

      glad you told K what you wanted, audrey! i told ravery the same 🙂 i think you should totally make him a card because the possibilities are endless!!!

  4. Christine

    February 10, 2016 at 1:45 pm

    Oh my glob these cards are ADORABLE
    Christine recently posted…52 Blog Post Ideas That Are Actually Really Interesting

  5. Elyse

    February 10, 2016 at 2:57 pm

    Those cards are seriously adorable! We don’t do anything exciting for Valentines Day, depends whether we are busy or not(usually we are, and this year is no exception!)? Glad you mentioned the podcasts since I have a pile of cleaning I want to do!