Tell Me Something Good – A Giving Boy
it’s that time again for another “tell me something good” friday story!
this story was shared with me via my husband earlier this week. he met a client for lunch and she shared with him an incredibly inspiring story, starring her own 12 year old son, liam. she and her son have been talking more about money and how to use it, save it and give it to good causes you believe in.
for starters, how excellent to be learning about money in a positive and educated way at such a young age?! that’s some legit good parenting.
not only this, but he has such a sweet heart. liam’s grandma has been suffering from eyesight issues for a while so he started accumulating money to put in his “giving account” and then use it to help his grandma.
his grandma has something called fuchs and it’s a corneal disease, which eventually makes you go blind. there is a way to fix it but only through a cornea transplant surgery. to complicate matters, liam’s grandma lives in croatia and one of the few surgeons who performs this (and invented this surgery) lives here in portland so since she doesn’t have american insurance, it’s very costly. liam realized he needed more people’s support to help get his grandma’s sight back so get this…
he did lots of research and discovered “GoFundMe,” the online fundraising site, typically used for good causes where people can donate to support things they believe in. he created an account, wrote the story of his grandma and has raised enough money so far to get his grandmother’s eyesight back in at least one eye! how amazingly sweet is this?!
they have no idea i’m posting this, i am simply sharing a feel good story about a boy who loves his grandma deeply. it gives me all the warm fuzzies!
if you’d like to help support liam in his cause to help his grandma get her eyesight back, you can do so HERE! high fives to you liam for being such a thoughtful person!
okay, your turn…tell me something good that is going on in your life or that you have witnessed recently!
February 5, 2016 at 6:04 am
What a sweetie! I love parenting done right! I hope Liam and his grandma raise the money and have lots of success with the surgery!!
Audrey recently posted…My Currentlys and My Favorites
February 5, 2016 at 12:52 pm
i hope so too! isn’t that just the sweetest?! i am getting notes for future parenting days 🙂
February 5, 2016 at 7:19 am
What an amazing boy! I SO hope that Liam can raise the money for his grandma!
Elyse recently posted…Opinions
February 5, 2016 at 12:57 pm
riiiight! so so sweet! i think i was way too self involved at 12 to think of anyone but myself!
Nina @ Hugs and Lattes
February 5, 2016 at 7:27 am
That is so beautiful!! What a thoughtful young man. He’s going to do amazing things one day. 🙂
Nina @ Hugs and Lattes recently posted…4 Must-Reads for the Weekend
February 5, 2016 at 12:57 pm
he really is a thoughtful young man who is already doing some pretty amazing things as you said – will only continue!
Pingback: Tell Me Something Good – Happy Tears | Just Murrayed
February 5, 2016 at 1:23 pm
Aww such a sweet story! And at such a young age. Way to go, Liam!!!
Charlene recently posted…My 2016 TBR List
February 10, 2016 at 8:59 am
pretty great, right! thanks for stopping by charlene 🙂
February 7, 2016 at 5:22 pm
This is the sweetest story! It’s so refreshing to hear about kids using the internet for good, as opposed to cyber bullying 🙁 I hope he’s able to raise enough money, but it’s amazing what he has done so far! Also realizing I never even added my link, whoops!
Kate recently posted…Happy Friday and Happy Due Date Day!
February 10, 2016 at 9:00 am
agreed about using the internet as a force of good instead of a force of evil kate! thanks for linking up yay! i am still on baby watching for you….
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