Tell Me Something Good – Sweet Cat Lady
happy friday friends! it’s that time again for “tell me something good” on this here blog! link-up through the weekend if you’ve got a blog or simply share a feel good something in the comments. here are more details about why it exists and i’ll do a better job reminding you on my wednesday posts in the future!
a woman, let’s call her sara, from our leasing office shared this story with us as i was picking up a birthday present this past week. she asked what kind of dog sugar was and i said she was a rescue, so we have no idea (though we are tempted to get one of those dog DNA tests because girl is *crazy).
saraΒ shared a story about her own rescued animal – her cat! she started off the story by sharing that she recently had to put her beloved cat down (so sad but don’t worry there is a sweet story behind it).
when she visited the animal shelter, the woman working there was showing her all the cute little kitties up for adoption. when she asked the employee about one adorable cat in the last kennel, the woman said “oh! you don’t want him. he is being euthanized tomorrow. let’s go back to the kitties.”
sara was shocked and saddened and asked concernedly, “WHY ARE YOU PUTTING THAT CAT DOWN!?” the woman simply said “well, because he’s old. no one wants an old cat.” if you are like me, you are wondering – what, is this cat like gandalf’s age or something? NO. this cat was onlyΒ five! FIVE!
sara asked to see the geriatric cat and the moment she held him, she said he basically hugged her. she knew she must have that “old” cat.
she adopted him and he lived to be 22 year olds. what a sweet, long life she gave that kitty!
*reference of our sweet sugarbelle, who will also need to live to be 22!
okay, your turn! tell me something good in your life or that you have seen or heard!

January 29, 2016 at 5:46 am
Oh my goodness! Thank heavens for Sara! It makes me so irritated when shelter euthanize for age. It’s absolutely ridiculous! I’m so glad she brought her little fur baby home!
And how sweet is Sugar?? What a perfect name! π (I can’t wait to see you finished coloring book page!!)
Audrey recently posted…Tell Me Something Good 1.29
January 29, 2016 at 8:32 am
i knooooow! i was shocked that 5 years old was considered so old for a cat! i had a cat live until he was 23.
sugar really does live up to her name, i can barely stand it she’s so sweet!
i still cannot believe we colored the same page! WHAT!
January 29, 2016 at 5:57 am
What a lovely post! I am excited to think about the good things that happen throughout the week.
Tell Me (Chelsea) Something Good: This morning, when I was walking to catch my subway, focused simply on getting to work on time, a man came up behind me and told me: “Hey, just to let you know, your back pack strap almost got caught in the entrance door, be careful because you might get stuck”.
I thought it was sweet π Nothing like getting stuck and having no clue what just happened! Happy Friday everyone!
January 29, 2016 at 8:34 am
thanks for reading and for sharing you ‘something good’ story, liette! such a kind man to let you know about your backpack strap because i would totally panic if i got stuck in the subway door ahhhhh!
thanks for sharing that π proves people are still good and helpful!
Jennifer Haston
January 29, 2016 at 6:53 am
Happy Friday Chelsea!! My moment of good today is… I used to be a Girl Scout and I sold those cookies with charm and guile… I am doing my best to keep the processed sugar to a minimum for long term health.. Buying a box of Girl Scout cookies does not lend itself to that goal so I gave some money to the troop outside Walgreens selling cookies.. I feel good and they benefit!!
January 29, 2016 at 8:35 am
happy friday jennifer and thanks for sharing your good! that is a great idea to give money but not necessarily take the box of cookies, especially when trying to be more health conscious. well done all around!
January 29, 2016 at 6:55 am
That makes me so sad though–why wouldn’t the shelter lady be trying to push the old cat off on people so he doesn’t get euthanized?!? Good thing that woman was there at the right place at the right time!
Kate recently posted…Tell Me Something Good Friday
January 29, 2016 at 8:37 am
i know! good point, the “old” kitty should get first dibs! so glad the two found each other though. thanks for linking up, kate!
January 29, 2016 at 1:11 pm
What a wonderful thing Sara did, and I can’t believe it either, that a 5 year old cat is considered “old”. π
When I was young I remember reading about a program available at the SPCA, where they match up pet-owners that outlived their pets and pets that had outlived their owners (due to old age, etc), because the owners would have more experience dealing with older pets. I thought that was incredibly sweet and awesome!
Vivien recently posted…Why I Almost Vowed to Never Enter a Tall Tales Contest
February 1, 2016 at 8:40 am
wow what a program SPCA has to match up pets that have outlived their owners!!! that is so sweet and awesome! thanks for sharing that vivien, it gave me warm fuzzies!
January 29, 2016 at 2:25 pm
Ahhh this made me teary eyed! I wish I could save all the cats.
February 1, 2016 at 8:40 am
i feel you monika! save them allllll
January 29, 2016 at 4:36 pm
What an awesome thing Sara did! It’s insane that a 5-year-old cat is considered old…my childhood cat is 18!
Elyse recently posted…The Bookish Alphabet Tag
February 1, 2016 at 8:41 am
i know! 5 is old?! love that your childhood cat is going strong at 18!!!
Nina @ Hugs and Lattes
January 30, 2016 at 7:45 am
Ahhh what a beautiful story!! I’m sure I have a sweet story to share. . . but let me finish this second cup of coffee and maybe it will pull me out of this grump slump first. I did just follow a bunch of labradoodle accounts on Instagram, though because I’m lonely & want a dog.
Nina @ Hugs and Lattes recently posted…**Giveaway Alert** ($400+ in prizes!!)
February 1, 2016 at 8:42 am
following labradoddle accounts on istagram is an ADORABLE idea, nina! that is a feel good story indeed! i hope you get a pupppppy soon!
January 31, 2016 at 12:12 pm
Aww! And that’s ridiculous. I adopted both my cats at 5 too. They’re about 14 now and I’m so glad I was able to give them a life outside a cage that others may have overlooked. They’re great kitties! I sure do hope they live to 22 as well!
February 1, 2016 at 8:42 am
aw i love that you adopted both of your cats at age 5! they are so lucky to have you π cheers to all of our rescued pets living to 22 years young π
February 2, 2016 at 9:32 am
Aw so sweet π Just what I needed to read this morning