Tell Me Something Good – Breathing Involuntary
i’m still here and still pregnant! i skipped a post wednesday because the baby was obviously soaking up all of my brain juice. if i would have published something it would have simply been demands for various types of salty and sweet foods. no value there (except to my tastebuds and my rapidly expanding waistline).
today’s ‘tell me something good’ has to do with health.
i am so grateful to be healthy and have a healthy little one growing inside me. i went to the acupuncturist yesterday to try to get things moving (if you’ve never done acupuncture, i highly recommend it – so good). as with all new medical offices, forms had to be filled out. here’s a fun fact about me – i actually really love filling out forms and surveys, for the real.
i go through the list of things i could be experiencing during this pregnancy (high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, etc) as well as my past medical history. as i continued to check the “no” boxes, gratitude filled me.
i try hard not to take health for granted but it’s often easy to do, especially when we aren’t experiencing sickness or chronic illness.
sure, i have a few pregnancy symptoms that are pretty uncomfortable and it literally hurts every time i take a step but oh my goodness, it’s overwhelming how much goodness my body does for me.
i encourage you to take a moment and make a mental (or physical list) of all the good things your health and body is doing for you know.
here’s some of my list:
- my body knows how to breathe involuntary
- my heart circulates blood all on its own
- except for pain in my nether-region, i do not experience pain throughout my body
- i am not allergic to things in nature
- my mental health is so much better than it was even a few years ago
- i am able to walk
- all of my main organs function as they should
- i don’t have to think about blinking
- my body procreated when i chose for it to
- my teeth are healthy
- i can see, smell, taste, hear and feel touch
i have family members and friends who are currently battling various illnesses and disease so i find it extra important to take note of the areas of our health that are good.
what are you grateful for about your health today or share something good with me!
August 26, 2016 at 12:28 am
Yesss! Love this grateful post, Chelsea! I may or may not have cried like, a lot reading this. Born with most of my health problems it allows me to “forget” that I’m not “healthy” even though I am in the grand scheme because I have working legs, arms and more. I am grateful that a father created the first shunt that allowed me to live past my first year. I’m grateful that surgeons repaired my baby heart so that I could live long enough to experience the good things like college and marriage and even the awful things like a very recent miscarriage. Can’t wait to meet Bavery and I seriously hope you take Insta photos once a day so we know you aren’t in labour yet, will ya?
Elyse@JustMurrayed recently posted…Celebrating 30
August 29, 2016 at 5:42 am
oh elyse – knowing a small part of your story and you sharing more makes me even more grateful for my own health and for the status of yours! i cannot imagine going through such intense things, i appreciate you sharing so openly. i am so very very sorry to hear about your recent miscarriage, sending you love. i truly admire what you said about being grateful to live past 1 so you could experience the good and the bad. <3
chelsea recently posted…Tell Me Something Good – Breathing Involuntary
Chuck Mencke
August 26, 2016 at 3:21 am
Chelsea, wonder post this m owning about our bodies. We do take so much for granted about our bodies, God truly has created and creating miracles each and every day.
August 29, 2016 at 5:47 am
i am continuing to think of your chuck, especially with all of your recent medical needs! keep taking care of yourself!
Jennifer Haston
August 26, 2016 at 7:06 am
You must be reading my mind! I was just thinking today how blessed this pregnancy has been. I have not had morning sickness and I have been for the most part pretty healthy and while it’s summer in Texas, it’s not so hot that I am wanting to kill people… Yesterday started my 35th week and I am not in too much pain, yes it takes a bit to get going but once I am up and moving I feel pretty good. There is itching and soreness but as I understand it.. these are all normal things. Along with you, I am VERY grateful to have the minimal symptoms that I am having. I do think it has a great deal to do with your outlook as well. You are actively deciding to have a positive outlook and welcome your baby as naturally as possible so that helps 🙂
August 29, 2016 at 5:49 am
ha! i am glad it’s not so hot you want to kill people haha – i, on the other hand, have felt that but don’t have the humidity to complain of so i’m impressed! it is all about actively deciding how we look at life, isn’t it jennifer? thanks for your comment and glad you are feeling good!
August 26, 2016 at 7:42 am
I am so, so grateful for my health! On Monday I’ll have to prep for probably my millionth colonoscopy (just routine because 1. I have Crohn’s Disease, and 2., I’ve had polyps before.) When the nurse called to do my pre-op survey, she commented, “well other than Crohn’s you’re a very healthy individual!” And it really did put things in perspective–I am healthy, and I am so grateful for these healthy times when I’m not experiencing a flare up. Thinking of you and sending good vibes your way for a healthy deliver (and for that little one to get herself moving soon!)!
Kate recently posted…6 Month Update
Your Partner in Passion Kait
August 26, 2016 at 2:48 pm
Kate your post GMH – thank you. <3
As a relatively newly diagnosed Crohnie (Mar of this year), still in the figuring it all out and holy shit I have something that'll never go away stage, this gives me some perspective I've been struggling with this week.
Your Partner in Passion Kait recently posted…Simple Ways to Spice Up the Bedroom
August 29, 2016 at 5:52 am
thank you for sharing that kate and i’m glad kait you found it helpful to hear too! thinking of you both as you continue to live and live HEALTHILY with crohn’s. <3
August 30, 2016 at 12:47 pm
Kait, I definitely understand the struggle! You can email me anytime you need to talk:
Kate recently posted…6 Month Update
August 26, 2016 at 8:45 am
With the exception of little health hiccups, K and I are both healthy and our family is, too. I try to remember to be SO grateful for that- especially since it can change in an instant. Since I’m a pray-er I typically thank God for our health, pray for those who are struggling with their health, and ask for future health (or at least the strength to fight through whatever happens to me/us)!
Audrey recently posted…Open Letters Link-Up
August 29, 2016 at 5:53 am
you are so right that it can change in an instant, audrey! i am glad you are able to pray and give thanks for your help and those of your loved ones 🙂 ravery and i constantly talk about how we can’t take health for granted since it is literally the one thing that can be beyond our resources and control.
Your Partner in Passion Kait
August 26, 2016 at 2:47 pm
Thank you for this post love. You handled this topic with a beautiful sensitivity that I, and I’m sure your other loved ones battling illness, appreciate it.
This has been a particularly challenging health week, and I often focus exclusively on what’s going wrong in my body: the Crohn’s and chronic pain, the need for multiple medications daily, the feeling like I’m a failure because my body can’t do what’s “normal.” Thank you for the gentle loving reminder to focus also on what I can be grateful for: doing work I love, breathing without difficulty most days, and being better than before (as Gretchen would say).
Your Partner in Passion Kait recently posted…Simple Ways to Spice Up the Bedroom
August 29, 2016 at 5:56 am
thanks for sharing part of your story kait and i am sorry to hear that it has been a rough week. my heart aches for you and others who have to experience chronic pain. that would in and of itself be horrible but then the added ‘just work normal body!’ doesn’t help either. i am glad you can focus on the work you love, breathing pretty well and being better than before! proud of your optimism and realism friend!