7 Slightly Inappropriate Valentine’s Day Cards
oh valentine’s day. it seems as though people either love it or hate it. my husband and i definitely full-out celebrated it when we first started dating. one time he even put like 20 tea lights on top of “fun-dip candy packets” all over my bed. i’m still impressed my apartment didn’t go up in flames but it sure turned up the heat (see what i did there?!).
i still like the holiday okay because usually it’s an excuse to eat lots of chocolate and it’s a day for people to celebrate love. this year, however, we are on the whole30, which means i will be eating an apple (pretending it’s a chocolate truffle) and drinking water (pretending it’s vodka).
my husband so isn’t into this holiday anymore because he doesn’t think our expression of love should be limited to one day. he’d rather surprise me with chocolates, flowers and a card on a random thursday. i’m good with that.
like ashley mentioned in her post yesterday about ways not go broke on valentine’s day, she doesn’t love getting cards and neither does her boyfriend. they want to spend their money on other things and that’s great because they’ve talked about expectations and wants!
i, on the other hand, love cards. you know what i love more than sweet cards? slightly inappropriate valentine’s day cards (or really any inappropriate card). here are my top favorites so i can surprise my husband with one of these later…
*bonus…because i love all things harry potter and neville longbottom got sexy so he deserves to be on a valentine’s day card!
1) are you into valentine’s day?
2) how do you feel about giving and receiving cards on special occasions?
3) are you…slightly inappropriate? oh good, come sit by me!
Emma Lincoln
February 10, 2015 at 9:33 am
OMG, I must find this beard card!! Where did you get it? 🙂
We are officially over V-day, but that beard card has SO much potential for every occasion!
Emma Lincoln recently posted…3 Reasons to Buy a Used Car
February 10, 2015 at 2:01 pm
haha i loved the beard one too, emma-even though my husband doesn’t have a beard! ha! if you click where it says ‘source’ under the photo, it will link you to the card and you can order it! some of these could be used for other occasions or random days…i’m scheming now.
February 10, 2015 at 10:06 am
This are great – a card that can make me laugh wins over sappy cards any day 🙂
Meagan recently posted…The Meal that Decided Our Future
February 10, 2015 at 2:02 pm
me too! i cry enough at all my TV dramas so let’s laugh, meagan!
chelsea recently posted…7 Slightly Inappropriate Valentine’s Day Cards
February 10, 2015 at 10:31 am
That Harry Potter card…. That’s pretty awesome 😀
I will always love George Weasley, but Neville get super hot. Hahaha!
Audrey recently posted…Crying in Public
February 10, 2015 at 2:03 pm
oh george…that silly ginger. it’s almost shocking to see the difference between little neville and 17 year old neville-daaayum!
Courtney! @ Redefining Athlete
February 10, 2015 at 1:01 pm
I love greeting cards. I like saving them and then going back reading all the LAME-o stuff we said to each other.
Theoatmeal.com has some funny ones. My favorite is “I can’t stand the thought of waking up one morning and not being able to look into your eyes… which is why I’m taping them to the cat when you die”
I guess they are more, ah, taste-less, than inappropriate, but they still made me laugh 🙂
Courtney! @ Redefining Athlete recently posted…It Starts…
February 10, 2015 at 2:08 pm
hahaha oh my goodness-some of those cards are for sure just plain ‘inappropriate,’ courtney! so funny. i like the cat one too and also the ‘passion like a cockroach…mostly active at night, frightens the elderly and completely impervious to nuclear weapons.” i found some just flat out nasty ones on my search for these too! ha!
i love going back through and reading my cards too-i’m sort of a hoarder with them.
February 10, 2015 at 1:03 pm
I think my husband might need that beard card in a large-sized print. He’s pretty obsessed with his lately.
ps. these cards are epic.
Rebecca recently posted…Reasons Why My Cat Hates Me
February 10, 2015 at 2:09 pm
yeeees! contact that etsy artist that did it and you should totally get it for him, rebecca! do ittttt 🙂
Paula Howley
February 10, 2015 at 4:34 pm
1. Couldn’t care less.
2. I like cards but they have to be funny.
3. Can’t even believe you have to ask me that.
Paula Howley recently posted…Head Start Public Speaking For Kids Week 16- Public Presentations For Kids!
February 10, 2015 at 8:17 pm
hahah come sit by me, paula! you’re the best 🙂
February 10, 2015 at 6:39 pm
1. I like Valentine’s Day but if you don’t have the romance for the rest of the year, what’s the point of celebrating it?
2. I like giving and receiving cards at any time of the year. Again, if you only save them for the special occasions, what’s the point?
3. I can be 😉
My take on any special occasion is that if you only focus on that one day or occasion (meaning showing your love, appreciation, or any other emotion), then what’s the point? Do not the other 364 days of the year matter? If you only celebrate once a year, then you have other problems that need to be worked out. Granted it is all about expectations as well. If one partner wants (needs) to be celebrated once a year and the other wants it more often, then a discussion needs to occur. You can’t expect your partner to read your mind.
February 10, 2015 at 8:19 pm
ohh good point, pebby! you definitely need romance and appreciation the rest of the year-you’re so right! sometimes it’d make it easier of partners could read minds (probably only selective thoughts-ha) but you hit the nail on the head pebby! thank you for your comment 🙂
Amanda Wood
February 11, 2015 at 7:58 am
I don’t like all the overpriced things associated with V-day. So we usually wait for all the candy to be discounted the next day and “celebrate” then 🙂
And inappropriate cards are the BEST cards.
Amanda Wood recently posted…Sponsor Takeover with Kathy!
February 11, 2015 at 2:14 pm
ohhh super smart, amanda! i like your style-style with both your bargin shopping and your taste in cards 🙂
LIndsay @ The Wife in Training
February 11, 2015 at 8:34 am
Oh my goodness these cards are AMAZING. I want to give them all to Andy.
LIndsay @ The Wife in Training recently posted…You’d Think I’d Be Smarter Than That
February 11, 2015 at 2:15 pm
and you know what, lindsay?? i bet andy would love to receive them all from you! especially the harry potter one 🙂
chelsea recently posted…7 Slightly Inappropriate Valentine’s Day Cards
Melissa C.
February 11, 2015 at 10:10 am
I will absolutely come sit with you because I’m slightly inappropriate as well. (And bonkers) hahaha, see what I did there? Sorry. too far? Anyway… I love these cards. These would be perfect for me and my husband. We don’t do much to celebrate. We’re more of a random surprise couple on a thursday just because, too.
Melissa C. recently posted…Fifteen in 2015
February 11, 2015 at 2:16 pm
YAY! i’m all about people who are inappropriate and bonkers so i know we would have a good time sitting next to each other, melissa!
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties
February 11, 2015 at 11:12 am
bhahaha okay some of these are amazing!!! maybe I just hate cards because I’ve never encountered super funny ones like these 🙂
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties recently posted…My Brain is Mush
February 11, 2015 at 2:16 pm
hah that’s probably it, ashley!
February 11, 2015 at 4:45 pm
HAHA, OMG I LOVE THESE. Inappropriate cards are the BEST cards!
Amanda recently posted…A Romantic Weekend in Grand Forks
February 12, 2015 at 4:17 pm
ha! they really are the best cards-i want to frame some of them!
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