Hola from Buenos Aires, Argentina!
hola for buenos aires, argentina! i wanted to share a few photos of the fabulous few days we have already had here. the beef – it really is amazing. the wine – it really is excellent. the counterfeit money – it’s really a thing. we were given not one but two fake 100 pesos from. the. bank. thankfully this only about $20 but still, wtf. other than that, we are loving it here!
we dropped our things off at our hotel and then ventured nearby to the local city park. can you believe those purple trees?! it’s gorgeous. it’s there springtime here so everything is perfect.
the food. yum. we ate at what now appears to be a restaurant/cafe that exists in multiple places (tienda de cafe) but was perfect for a late lunch after arrive.
have you ever seen a happier man with a pizza!?
i can pretty much sum up our days: walk around, stop to eat, shop, stop to eat, walk, get some wine, shop, eat, walk home. it’s great.
the evening we got in, we made our way down to cabana las lilas, a delicious (though spendy) restaurant that our friend allison recommended to us. she did not steer us wrong. it was incredible. we both decided it was in the top 3 meals we have ever eaten. before we get to the food, look at where it’s located:
this is located in the “puerto madero” neighborhood and was about a 45 minute walk from our hotel. yes, we walked in order to save our taxi money for this meal.
i ordered a thin skirt steak, which was the best steak i have ever had. it came with a loaded baked potato, which sadly meant i couldn’t eat that sour cream. fear not, i made a great deal with my husband…
i gave him my baked potato in exchange for his “papas soufflé” or soufleé potatoes. i think they may make them by magic because they were airy puffs of potatoes and my new favorite way to ingest a potato.
between portland and buenos aires, there is only a 5 hour time difference and since i was in denver almost a week before we left, it is only 4 hours. that is way better than the 16 hour time difference it took to get adjusted to when we ventured to australia!
though the time difference isn’t huge, the culture when it comes to bed time sure is. restaurants generally open at 9pm (though we ate this dinner from 8pm-10pm but it didn’t get busy until about 9:30pm). the clubs here…do not even open until 2am! 2AM! needless to say, we haven’t been to a club yet.
we have covered a good chunk of the city’s neighborhoods though. i’m guessing we walked at least 6 miles on saturday so high five!
how do you like my new sunglasses, bought specifically for antarctica because they completely fit over my glasses? #sexy.
my husband became very european after borrowing my scarf when his neck started getting sunburned. what’s that little creature beside him? your guess is as good as mine. ripped off garfield? that’s my guess too.
this was at plaza francia, in the recoleta neighborhood. we missed evita’s grave but we did wander the exclusively-hand-crafted fair full of hippies and happy people!
after waving to evita’s face on a building, we grabbed a bottle of malbec, crackers and cheese for my husband. i know, what a sentence.
we took full advantage of the little rooftop terrace on our hotel! one of the happiest nights. it’s fine to have happy hour from like 5-7pm because nowhere is open for dinner anyway. it’s going to be rough to have to readjust to raincoats and darkness at 4:30pm when we return.
malbec pairs well with cribbage (and gray hair at 28). this is our travel game of choice – compact and always reminds me of my grandparents.
at the time of this post going live, we are taking the 3.5 hour flight from buenos aires to ushuaia, aka the southern most city in the world! we have already jumped up and down multiple times about how excited we are to stay at Los Cauquenes Hotel there! i know we will be much more connected to wifi there so get ready for some serious instagram photos – yeeeehaw!
happy monday friends!
“travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – seneca
November 23, 2015 at 6:38 am
Looks like you’re having a fabulous trip! Can’t wait to see the rest of the photos!
Elyse recently posted…Lovin’ From The Oven Volume 2
November 23, 2015 at 11:42 am
we really are 🙂 thanks for your comment and hope to catch up on your blog before we leave elyse!
November 23, 2015 at 6:43 am
Oh my heavens, Buenos Aires looks AMAZING! Your pictures are great! I just love that rooftop one- it captures your relationship and your love for travel and your enjoyment so thoroughly! Do they only speak Spanish in Argentina? (Do you know Spanish?) What a great recap! I’m drooling over those foodsss!
Audrey recently posted…Let’s Just Catch Up…
November 23, 2015 at 11:43 am
it’s SO fun and quite the party city, audrey! i speak basically no spanish but my husband thankfully does a pretty decent job! he got us around safely and with people understanding so yay! a few people spoke a little english (like at hotels and usually someone at a restaurant). gives me such an appreciation for people who can speak multiple languages! hope to catch up on your blog before we leave!
November 23, 2015 at 8:53 am
Oh my goodness, so jealous of all the Malbec you are consuming–it’s basically my favorite kind of wine! Also, is this a culture that does the whole afternoon siesta thing? Because I have no idea how they manage such late nights otherwise! Can’t wait to hear more about your travels!
Kate recently posted…Weekend Update
November 23, 2015 at 11:45 am
if Malbec is your fav wine (mine too) totally put argentina on your list! mendoza (where most of it is grown) is like 6 hours from BA but it’s a-plenty in the city! they totally must siesta and the cafes a parked around 5 so that must be the trick!
Rachel G
November 24, 2015 at 12:03 am
Wow! What an amazing experience for you guys to share!
Rachel G recently posted…Big News! From Blogger to…
December 7, 2015 at 10:41 am
it really has been, rachel! traveling together (as you well know) can really enhance your relationship!
Courtney {Alkeks Abroad}
November 24, 2015 at 12:29 am
What no clubbing for you?! 🙂 Those look like jacaranda trees, we have the, here in Spring and I love them! My parents lived in Argentina when I was born and a little after, I would love to go back one day!
December 7, 2015 at 10:41 am
ohhhh i am so glad you said what kind of trees they probably are – thank you courtney! i looooved them! definitely venture back to your birthplace for exploring (and clubbing if you can hang better than us) 🙂