Happy Thanksgiving from Antarctica!
okay fine, you caught me. i wrote this a few days before we set sail since internet is basically non-existent on the icebergs (unless the penguins are holding out on me, they can be sneaky).
happy thanksgiving!
i especially love thanksgiving not only for the food, pausing to give thanks but also because this was the first major holiday i spent with my husband.
remember how we started dating and then he left to study abroad in prague, putting our first 7 months in a long-distance relationship? well, my mom was super generous and gave me airline miles that year for christmas to fly to the czech republic to visit him over thanksgiving! i almost didn’t do it because my anxiety was at an all time high and solo-international-travel did not sit well. love makes you do crazy/brave things.
thinking back, we totally could have found mashed potatoes and turkey at a local restaurant but we found it fitting to eat at the high-quality american restaurant KFC!
if you would have slipped me a note on thanksgiving day in 2007 and that note said “hey! in a few years you are going to be married to that guy who just bought you a tulip and extra mashed potatoes! not only that, but you will be sharing your 9th thanksgiving together in ANTARCTICA!”
i probably would have just rolled my eyes and wrote back “yeah. right.”
here we are though. it’s amazing what can happen when you change your mindset, work hard and pick the right partner!
we brought along a few staples (dried cranberries, turkey jerky, potato chips) since we have no idea if they will acknowledge this holiday on the boat we are on or not. will they serve penguin instead of turkey? who knows. i will report back after we return!
on this thanksgiving day 2015, here are a few things that i am ever so grateful for:
my husband
my family
my friends
my health
my dog
the ability to travel
being able-bodied
having all of my senses functioning
the ability to change
involuntary breathing
my education
feeling loved and giving love
warm chocolate chip cookies
for this space
for you.
happy thanksgiving! what are you most thankful for today?
November 27, 2015 at 11:50 am
Hope you’re enjoying Antarctica! I am thankful for being able to spend this Thanksgiving with my parents, for the first time in four years!
Kate recently posted…Black Friday Deals
December 7, 2015 at 10:36 am
yay! so glad you got to spend thanksgiving with your parents this year – 4 years is a long time without them! hope it was marvelous kate 🙂
Marilyn Jess
November 30, 2015 at 4:11 am
How brilliant of your Mom to recognize that what you really wanted for the holidays was to be with Ryan. Those airline miles were an amazing gift. Thank you for sharing your gratitude list. May you two share many more Thanksgivings, and years, together, looking in the same direction.
December 7, 2015 at 10:36 am
i feel pretty lucky to have the mom i do 🙂 i hope you had a great thanksgiving marilyn and i really appreciate your comment!
November 30, 2015 at 6:56 am
Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving, Chelsea! (And I hope you didn’t have to eat any penguins!)
Audrey recently posted…#Hashtag-Schmashtag
December 7, 2015 at 10:35 am
thanks so much audrey! we had a fantastic thanksgiving and we did indeed only observe penguins and not eat them 🙂 hope you had a great thanksgiving too. headed over to catch up on your blog!
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