Expressing Your Admiration to Your Spouse

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something very strange happened yesterday…i did not touch my laptop once. this truly has not happened in years (unless i’m on an international flight). it was a little strange. i’m usually writing, catching up on other blogs, mindlessly on social media or watching some type of show on netflix i’m very emotionally invested in on my laptop. it was weird and excellent to have a day of unintentional distance from it.

in the morning i caught up with my soulfriend and watched her genius baby use sign language for “more banana please mom and i have the coolest aunt chelsea ever!” i’m pretty sure that’s what it meant.

then i became a very proud wife. my husband has been working with a company and teaching a six week course to executives (two classes a week!) all around the power of storytelling in business. he invited me to attend the last ‘class’ and provide feedback to the group as well as him.


don’t worry, real life people filled the seats soon after this photo was taken but i thought it would be too creepy to post photos of them on the internet. oh boundaries.

as i sat there watching each member of the cohort stand up and demonstrate what they learned, i was absolutely blown away. they were incorporating strategies ravery taught them and melding storytelling techniques with their own style of speaking.

i have been to 90% of of my husband’s keynotes, we have spoken together numerous times but i have not seen him in the role of a trainer until yesterday. you know the expression ‘beaming with pride?’ it felt like i had laser beams shooting out of every pore in my body with how impressed i was with the engagement and connectedness he helped to foster in this cohort.

you could see the respect that people had for him in the room, how appreciative they were of his time and teaching style and the positive energy that exuded from everyone. he has worked so hard to make this the best training yet so it was fun to hear everyone’s takeaways from attending his storytelling training.

after it wrapped up, we had to go celebrate so we galavanted around the city with our friends who are still in town from the jazz-wedding this past weekend. i continued to verbally let him know how impressed i was with his training and that i appreciate how hard he works.

with a soft smile on his face he said, “thanks love, i really appreciate you saying that.”

it struck me that even though i am often very proud of him, how often do i say it out loud to him? i typically do a pretty good job verbalizing but there is always room for improvement. by him using the verbiage “…i really appreciate you saying that” it not only reminded me how much he likes it when i say that out loud but also reinforces that i should keep doing it.

when your spouse does something to make you feel impressed or proud or admiring in some way of him, say it out loud! we know how good it feels to be praised and acknowledged so friendly reminder to do the same for the one you love most!

when was the last time you felt impressed or admiring of your spouse?


  1. Audrey

    October 7, 2015 at 11:38 am

    I love it when we get to see our spouses at work, out in the field! Kyle works from home and builds his products in a shop on my parents’ property, but when I see him in action at trade shows or music competitions my heart swells! A few days ago we were talking about business finances and I told him how proud I was for what his company has become! (He responded with an awkward, “Aww shucks.” Lol)
    Audrey recently posted…Halloween Costumes | Part 1

    • chelsea

      October 8, 2015 at 10:59 am

      that’s so great you get to see him in action from time to time, showing off what he’s creating audrey! hah glad you are telling him how proud you are of what his business is becoming, even if the response was an awkward ‘aww shucks’ ha 🙂

  2. Paula Howley

    October 7, 2015 at 12:50 pm

    My husband is making this right now:
    I have to tell you, I didn’t think he’d ever do it but I am pleased to see him prove me wrong. I knew he COULD I just didn’t know that he WOULD. Last couple of days I’ve been letting him know how proud I am of him and yes, it makes them feel pretty great doesn’t it?
    Paula Howley recently posted…Ankle Deep in Brain Dust…plus, a story!

    • chelsea

      October 8, 2015 at 11:00 am

      umm whoa that is TOO cool that lloyd is MAKING that! wow. i am proud of him too 🙂 glad you are letting him know how proud you are of him in making the choice to create it!

  3. Paula Howley

    October 7, 2015 at 12:52 pm

    I should mention what the heck it is- it’s a carving studio for his First Nations cedar mask carvings. There are some GIANT old growth logs there for totem poles too.
    Paula Howley recently posted…Ankle Deep in Brain Dust…plus, a story!

    • chelsea

      October 8, 2015 at 11:21 am

      so glad you posted the follow up comment complete with his beautiful mask carvings. WOW! such talent!

  4. Jennifer Haston

    October 7, 2015 at 1:20 pm

    Great post! I think its really easy to lose sight of this “need” because you think to yourself.. “He knows that I love him to bits and pieces and am super proud of him” but I never tire of hearing how proud he is of ME, so why wouldn’t he want the same in kind?

    • chelsea

      October 8, 2015 at 11:22 am

      well said, jennifer! i never tire of hearing how proud ravery is of me either so i want to do the same! thanks for reading!

  5. Elyse

    October 7, 2015 at 2:44 pm

    I absolutely love when Andrew draws something for a kid, or people/children get SO excited when he tells them what shows he’s worked on. My biggest moment though was seeing his name in print when he ghostdrew for a kids book! It gave me the warm fuzzies, and I may have bought like 10 copies…
    Elyse recently posted…The (No Longer) Newlyweds Game

    • chelsea

      October 8, 2015 at 11:24 am

      oh i bet those kids’ (and people in general eyes light up like crazy when they find out what he does AND gets something drawn for them. that’s too cool. thanks for sharing your biggest warm fuzzies around his name in print for a kids’ book! how incredible…i’m surprised you were able to control yourself with only buying 10 🙂

  6. Kate

    October 7, 2015 at 2:46 pm

    Such a good reminder–I’m so proud of how hard my husband has worked for his company, and how he is always coming up with genius ideas and new was to sell baseball cards (because I had no idea people still bought those things until I met him). I know that I’m guilty of thinking “well, he knows what I think of him,” so I really need to start saying it out loud more…and maybe nag a little less about how he never properly sorts the laundry 😉
    Kate recently posted…Power Couple’s Must Have Baby Registry Items

    • chelsea

      October 8, 2015 at 11:25 am

      ohhh love the creativity it sounds like your husband has, kate! and yes selling baseball cards, who knew?! HIM. that’s who 🙂

  7. chelsea jacobs

    October 8, 2015 at 2:31 pm

    I love this! It’s such a big deal–I think things about how thankful I am for my husband and how much I love him all the time, but lately I’m working on saying them out loud!
    chelsea jacobs recently posted…26 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

    • chelsea

      October 9, 2015 at 7:56 am

      glad to hear you are working on expressing it more verbally, chelsea! it really does make a difference and it’s a win-win for all 🙂

  8. Drew

    October 9, 2015 at 10:30 am

    My wife, Anne always shows appreciation towards me and I know that she’s proud (although why? I don’t understand) I agree that voicing our appreciation to each other helps maintain a good and healthy relationship. I can almost visualize those laser beams emitting from you out of pure pride for your beloved other half.

    • chelsea

      October 9, 2015 at 11:15 am

      happy to hear your wife shows appreciation for you drew! it sounds like she of course does this because she’s proud of what you are doing and who you are!

  9. Amanda

    October 9, 2015 at 11:06 am

    Aww, so cute! Hey, we need Ravery up here doing training and talks for our business community!
    I love seeing my husband on stage doing what he loves. That’s fulfilling for me!
    Amanda recently posted…Talking About Insecurities: Golden Vlog

    • chelsea

      October 9, 2015 at 11:20 am

      ummm YES! please hire him and then i’ll tag along and we can play! there is something so fulfilling about seeing our guys on that stage that they work so hard to get on! 🙂