Does Your Marriage Have A Community of Support?
last night was one of the better sunday nights we have had in a while! our great friends got married AND it was a jazz-themed wedding! their invitation read “the prohibition is over! come celebrate!” since now marriage is afforded to everyone, regardless of your reproductive organs – woohoo!
i picked my husband up straight from the airport with no time to go home before the wedding. this meant he had to do some ‘parking lot clothes changing.’ it was totally not awkward until the owner of the big white tahoe tried to get in her car. sorry lady.
this change occurred in the parking lot of target, after i purchased my very first tube of lipstick. you might find it hard to believe that a 28 year old woman has never purchased lipstick before but it’s true. i have bought a few lip-glosses before, but never lipstick. chapstick is my go-to.
it was a bit more orange than i wanted but overall pleased with it. i decided on ‘cover girl outlast: red siren‘ and learned that it is much less forgiving than chapstick. i would totally use this brand again because it didn’t feel gummy or gross on my lips. my fashionable friend alison gets full credit for the recommendation of the brand (the color choice was mine).
it is good thing i just visited my sister last weekend in arizona because she let me borrow a flapper-esque dress. i bought a sparkly headband to go with it but decided my hair was too on point to risk messing it up. i am currently typing in these gloves because i love them (and hope to get a laugh from my husband when he finds me in the office).
back to the happy couple – we have known our friends joe and philip for a few years after they moved to oregon from colorado. our friend/fabulous photographer cassie connected us once they moved to the pacific northwest. turns out we all went to colorado state university together, they were just a few years behind us!
i love them both for their activism, the love they spread generously and for quick wit/humor at all times. aren’t they a dapper couple?!
here is our friend cassie who photographed our wedding AND provided a venue for my husband and me to meet and fall in love at her birthday party 8+ years ago! i stole that photo right off her facebook – thanks cass! i’m not sure we could be hugging any closer. *note that i have since wiped off my red-orange lipstick and back to au-naturel.
during the ceremony, the minister talked about how important it is for everyone gathered there to help support, encourage and uplift their marriage. we all agreed to doing this by declaring to the happy couple ‘we will!’ it was moving and powerful.
later when one of the grooms gave his speech to the crowd, he said that “marriage doesn’t mean anything to me without the community of love and support we feel from all of you.” that choked me up.
how beautiful and important it is to surround yourself with a community of individuals who agree to support you and hold you accountable to the commitment you make to your partner. i love that and that’s part of what i want the new wifestyle to be – a community of strong individuals learning from and supporting each other.
does your marriage have a community of support? i know not everyone has a close family but that’s the beauty of growing up, you get to start choosing who is part of your family and inner circle. if not, start creating one by surrounding yourself with people who lift you up, hold you accountable and love you exactly as you are. cheers to love, for everyone!
October 5, 2015 at 3:25 pm
I LOVE when weddings make you feel all warm and fuzzy. Sometimes weddings don’t feel that way, more of a formality but I love when weddings have heart and sounds like your friends wedding had heart!
I have a womderful family(as you know!) who is a huge support and I’m not saying my friends aren’t a support but they don’t seem as passionate about keeping their relationship awesome like Andrew and I do, but that’s why I’m grateful for the wonderful online community I’ve found(if you couldn’t tell I mean YOU!)
Keep it up!
Elyse recently posted…The (No Longer) Newlyweds Game
October 7, 2015 at 10:10 am
i hear you elyse and this was one was all the warm and fuzzies!
i know what you mean about some friends not being as passionate or invested in their relationships and sometimes that’s hard to be around. so glad we have found each other because we sync up with that (and all the weird twinning things YAY) 🙂
Courtney {Alkeks Abroad}
October 5, 2015 at 3:34 pm
Love this and we are so lucky to have a great community of family and friends supporting us.
PS I’m pretty sure I have never purchased lipstick either, I feel pretty wild when I wear colored lip gloss though.
Courtney {Alkeks Abroad} recently posted…Tuk Tuking Through Thailand: Koh Samui
October 7, 2015 at 10:11 am
so happy to hear you have a great community supporting you courtney! 🙂
ahhh i’m so glad i’m not alone in the ‘never purchased lipstick until now’ category! when i posted that on my personal FB, people couldn’t believe it!
Rachel G
October 5, 2015 at 3:53 pm
You guys are stylin’! My humongous family loves Angel like crazy–seriously, whenever I’m annoyed at him my mom is convincing me not to be and reminding me of how awesome he is. What mom does that?
Rachel G recently posted…Robert and the KFC Leftovers
October 7, 2015 at 10:12 am
i love that your mom helps to remind you not to be so annoyed with him (though i feel like that’s a normal feeling from time to time) 🙂 so awesome they love and support you both!
Hannah Haworth
October 5, 2015 at 11:48 pm
This is partly why I started a wedding blog too. I wanted to meet likeminded people who actually love the fact that they’re married and are committed to making it a long and happy one like Andrew and I.
In my community it seems like talking about your marriage is a bit of a taboo. Nobody really talks about the things they’re doing to keep it strong. It’s more just usual polite conversation about what they’ve been up to day to day, holidays and such. I don’t really have anyone to talk to about the importance of marriage. Not sure if that makes sense…
Congratulations to your friends – a jazz themed wedding sounds perfect!
October 7, 2015 at 10:15 am
i so feel you on that, hannah! i wanted that for me too so yay connecting with likeminded people 🙂
i agree that sometimes it does just seem like “oh everything is dandy” and i get not wanting to get into with people you aren’t close to but even an added “yeah it’s great – we work hard to make it a priority” can go a long way! thanks for your thoughts on this!
October 6, 2015 at 6:05 am
You guys look so dapper! I love the orangey tint to your lipstick- very fall! What a fun wedding (and a clever invitation)! It looks like you guys had a wonderful evening 🙂
Audrey recently posted…My Baby Brother & New Sister!
October 7, 2015 at 10:13 am
oh audrey…you come in and save the day with saying my lipstick is – ‘very fall’ that for some reason totally turned things in my head around so thank you 🙂 we really did have a great time!
chelsea jacobs
October 7, 2015 at 8:32 am
Oh my goodness, that theme and invitation wording is ADORABLE. So creative!
chelsea jacobs recently posted…just write: street by street.
October 7, 2015 at 10:14 am
isn’t it so awesome?!! every time i walked by my refrigerator i got so excited and it was better than imagined! yay love!
October 8, 2015 at 5:42 pm
Weddings are the best!!! And I have to say…that dress is amazing! And the gloves just make the outfit! I’m right there with you with the all natural stuff. Lipgloss for me any day. Ha!
October 9, 2015 at 7:57 am
wedding really are the best, aren’t they!? i cannot tell you how much i felt like i must be in the 1920s with those gloves 🙂 and hoooray lipgloss buddies!