All posts tagged "portland"
chelsea | September 1, 2014
Traveling to the Beaches of Koh Phi Phi Don Island, Thailand
after a fun few days in phuket, thailand we woke up to catch the first ferry to koh...
chelsea | August 22, 2014
Not that Girl Who Dreamed of Weddings and Marriage
where were we? oh yeah…i don’t panic when this guy basically says “i’m not looking for a girlfriend...
chelsea | August 21, 2014
Let the Malaysian Adventures Begin!
we have made it to kuala lumpur, malaysia! the flights were all good, not too much turbulence...
chelsea | August 18, 2014
When Our Worlds First Collided
i hope you’re really impressed by me because i did some hard core planning and wrote up some...
chelsea | August 17, 2014
Let the 30+ Hour Travel to Asia Commence + Tips for Traveling Halfway Around the World
we are off! i am typing this half at the light-rail stop as we head to the airport...
chelsea | August 15, 2014
5 Ways to Set Up Your Home to Combat Return Jet-Lag
last night before i fell asleep, i made the mistake of googling the time difference between portland, oregon...
chelsea | August 13, 2014
5 Ways to ‘Do Something’ to Strengthen Your Relationship
i moved away from colorado and to portland 1,870 days ago today. yes, i did the math because...
chelsea | August 12, 2014
I’m Basically Married to Mother Teresa when it Comes to Kindness and Food
first off, thanks to those that have already voted for me and the hubs to speak at SXSW!...
chelsea | August 11, 2014
Help Me (and the hubs) Speak at SXSW!
the old chelsea would secretly apply for something, tell no one and then pretend she didn’t care about...
chelsea | August 8, 2014
An Invitation to Join Me in Mediation and Vulnerability (even if you think it’s sort of crazy)
vulnerability post time! dr. brene brown (watch her first TED talk) is my social worker/entrepreneur/amazing woman idol. she is...
chelsea | August 6, 2014
When Your Spouse Changes Dreams Because of You
as my husband and i sat down to a dinner of BBQ chicken and grilled corn (our personal...
chelsea | August 5, 2014
The Great Avery Pop-Tart Debate of 2014
what did we ever do before social media? we actually probably had closer connections with people, didn’t waste...
chelsea | August 4, 2014
5 Ways to Turn the Zoo into a Date!
is it too cliche to start out a post with “lions, tigers and bears, ohhh my!” when it’s...
chelsea | July 30, 2014
Kissing, Piercings and Hustlin’-Conversations with High School Girls
Yesterday I went back to high school. I talked to a group of high school girls that were...
chelsea | July 28, 2014
How to Accomplish Impossible Things (again)
First off, thank you to everyone who has filled out my survey to help make ‘the new wifestyle’...