Married Life Chats 11.1.2017
it’s that time again – married life chats! oh and it’s november. how is it november? i feel like maaaaaybe it could be the beginning of august. i should probably start writing the date down more often so i can keep up with the world passing by.
ravery wearing a baseball hat and a somewhat athletic type shirt
him: i look like a baseball player!
me: totally!…but like a ‘halloween baseball player’
~unrelated but this picture needs to live somewhere on this blog because atlas is the most fierce lion i’v ever seen!~
driving up to the mountains for my dad’s 60th birthday
me: you should go around that car in front of us.
him: no i’m good. i’ve got things to protect – like a baby, a cake and a wife!
me: really. i’m last?!
when we were painting our deck this summer
him: my hands hurt! i am getting a lot of blisters.
me: that’s because you have city boy hands.
getting back from our two week, overeating trip to the UK
me: i can’t wait to start working out again!
him: i can’t wait for you to be pregnant again!
me: can you not say that when i’m barely clothed and want to work out.
him: why?
me: it sort of feels like you got reminded of me being pregnant because i ate so many carbs this trip.
after getting lasik and my eyes were still red
him: you look possessed. don’t look me directly in the eyes please.
me: well, mike the sprinkler repair man said i didn’t look possessed. he said i look like a boxer!
him: he was lying.
him: you can have some of the pizza but you can’t have half of it.
me: oh. well then…
him: yeah. there are limits on my love.
him: remember – it’s tuesday today!
me: well it’s wednesday so i’ll be keeping track of the days of the week from now on.
him: when are you going to do another married life chats on the blog?
me: as soon as you say something funny. go.
him: *silence
your turn! if you remember any funny or strange conversations between you and your spouse – spill ’em!
hope everyone had a spooktacular halloween! atlas had a miserable day at daycare and then a fever so it wasn’t the most fun for us. good thing we had a mini-celebration this weekend!
ps. if you need more funny couple conversations, my friend audrey has it on lock down!
Jen L.
November 1, 2017 at 6:54 am
(Laying in bed the night before Halloween, watching TV)
Joey: “Do you think it’s cultural appropriation if a white dog dresses up as the Moana characters??”
Me: “………. WHAT?”
Sara | Mrs. Imperfect
November 1, 2017 at 7:14 am
Not a conversation, but my husband posted on Facebook yesterday that he came to work dressed as an “uncaffeinated version of himself.” Yeah, he doesn’t do Halloween.
November 1, 2017 at 10:24 am
These are amazing. Especially the Tuesday vs. Wednesday one and the deck painting one. Ha! ANd I loooove that picture with lion Atlas!! SO cute!!
Thanks for the shoutout!!
Rose Swearingen
November 1, 2017 at 10:53 am
Me: Hey, your porn is here.
Tim: Ohh, the B&H Photo equipment catalog. You know me well
November 2, 2017 at 11:50 am
These always crack me up! I really need to be better at recording our funny conversations!
November 2, 2017 at 6:33 pm
Looking at a picture of us dancing.
Him: I really have to hunch down to rest my chin on your head.
Me: I’m glad your chin was comfortable, lol!
Sara Kramarik
November 5, 2017 at 6:58 am
I was singing along to a song incorrectly and my husband says this “Face palm moment of the day: Sara Kramarik just tried to sing a song called “Go Go Jason Waterfalls”, the apparent TLC lyrics.”
Elyse @ Just Murrayed
November 6, 2017 at 10:51 am
I love that you record these moments! I definitely need to remember to record our funny moments. I’m glad you were a good sport about the being pregnant comment!