Married Life Chats 11.1.2017

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it’s that time again – married life chats! oh and it’s november. how is it november? i feel like maaaaaybe it could be the beginning of august. i should probably start writing the date down more often so i can keep up with the world passing by.

ravery wearing a baseball hat and a somewhat athletic type shirt
him: i look like a baseball player!
me: totally!…but like a ‘halloween baseball player’

~unrelated but this picture needs to live somewhere on this blog because atlas is the most fierce lion i’v ever seen!~

driving up to the mountains for my dad’s 60th birthday
me: you should go around that car in front of us.
him: no i’m good. i’ve got things to protect – like a baby, a cake and a wife!
me: really. i’m last?!

when we were painting our deck this summer
him: my hands hurt! i am getting a lot of blisters.
me: that’s because you have city boy hands.

getting back from our two week, overeating trip to the UK
me: i can’t wait to start working out again!
him: i can’t wait for you to be pregnant again!
me: can you not say that when i’m barely clothed and want to work out.
him: why?
me: it sort of feels like you got reminded of me being pregnant because i ate so many carbs this trip.

after getting lasik and my eyes were still red
him: you look possessed. don’t look me directly in the eyes please.
me: well, mike the sprinkler repair man said i didn’t look possessed. he said i look like a boxer!
him: he was lying.

him: you can have some of the pizza but you can’t have half of it.
me: oh. well then…
him: yeah. there are limits on my love.

him: remember – it’s tuesday today!
me: well it’s wednesday so i’ll be keeping track of the days of the week from now on.

him: when are you going to do another married life chats on the blog?
me: as soon as you say something funny. go.
him: *silence

your turn! if you remember any funny or strange conversations between you and your spouse – spill ’em!

hope everyone had a spooktacular halloween! atlas had a miserable day at daycare and then a fever so it wasn’t the most fun for us. good thing we had a mini-celebration this weekend!

ps. if you need more funny couple conversations, my friend audrey has it on lock down!


  1. Jen L.

    November 1, 2017 at 6:54 am

    (Laying in bed the night before Halloween, watching TV)
    Joey: “Do you think it’s cultural appropriation if a white dog dresses up as the Moana characters??”
    Me: “………. WHAT?”

  2. Sara | Mrs. Imperfect

    November 1, 2017 at 7:14 am

    Not a conversation, but my husband posted on Facebook yesterday that he came to work dressed as an “uncaffeinated version of himself.” Yeah, he doesn’t do Halloween.

  3. Audrey

    November 1, 2017 at 10:24 am

    These are amazing. Especially the Tuesday vs. Wednesday one and the deck painting one. Ha! ANd I loooove that picture with lion Atlas!! SO cute!!

    Thanks for the shoutout!!

  4. Rose Swearingen

    November 1, 2017 at 10:53 am

    Me: Hey, your porn is here.
    Tim: Ohh, the B&H Photo equipment catalog. You know me well

  5. Charlene

    November 2, 2017 at 11:50 am

    These always crack me up! I really need to be better at recording our funny conversations!

  6. Angelica

    November 2, 2017 at 6:33 pm

    Looking at a picture of us dancing.
    Him: I really have to hunch down to rest my chin on your head.
    Me: I’m glad your chin was comfortable, lol!

  7. Sara Kramarik

    November 5, 2017 at 6:58 am

    I was singing along to a song incorrectly and my husband says this “Face palm moment of the day: Sara Kramarik just tried to sing a song called “Go Go Jason Waterfalls”, the apparent TLC lyrics.”

  8. Elyse @ Just Murrayed

    November 6, 2017 at 10:51 am

    I love that you record these moments! I definitely need to remember to record our funny moments. I’m glad you were a good sport about the being pregnant comment!