Married Life Chats 2.28.18

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i figured we needed a little break from travel adventures and get back to the absurd things that are said between us. here we go…

me: so both of our moms have something going on the second saturday night we are out of town. what should we do?
him: can’t they just let sugar out before they leave?
me: um…what about OUR HUMAN CHILD?!
him: oh yeah. hahaha

me: what song are you singing?
him: you don’t know it?
me: never heard it…
him: oh, it must be from my middle school mascot days

when atlas was sick and not sleeping well 
me: ugh. i can’t do anything. i’m so tired.
him: i know, you can’t really function when you’re tired.
me: i know. how do you people do it?!
him: you were never an orientation leader.

me: i mean, of course i miss you but can you come home so we can finish watching our shows together?
him: hahah. i feel the same exact way.

talking about music
him: you know, like bodak yellow?
me: what’s a bodak?
him: babe. c’mon.
me: i’m being completely seriously. is this a new invention or something?
him: you are mom-ing so hard right now i can’t even deal with you.

me: these clues make no sense. are you sure these connect?
him: c’mon babe! they are SO good. you’re not thinking.
me: i’ve talked to people who know what you have planned and they said these clues make no sense.
him: well, everyone should try harder.
me: okay then…so i should stop trying to figure them out – clearly.

we see a commercial featuring adorable puppies
him: i would pay a lot of money to see sugar as a puppy
me: we could get an artist’s rendering of her as a puppy (50% joking)
him: that’s the whitest thing you’ve ever said.

your turn! i want to hear the weird/crazy/hilarious conversations that i know you’re having with your spouse! spill the beans.


  1. Claire

    February 28, 2018 at 7:54 am

    These are cute Chelsea, thanks for sharing!

    • chelsea

      March 3, 2018 at 11:06 am

      hi claire! good to see you on here 🙂 thanks for reading and your comment!

  2. Audrey

    February 28, 2018 at 9:41 am

    My ability to function when I’m tired has gone downhill significantly with each year of life. UGH.
    I love that he was only concerned with Sugar on that Saturday night. Hahaha!
    …what’s bodak yellow?
    Awww, Sug!! <3

    • chelsea

      March 3, 2018 at 11:07 am

      haha very good point audrey, i think my function of tiredness decreases each year too. you are SO right!

      i still have no idea what a bodak yellow is but i DO now know it’s a song by cardi-b!

  3. Elyse @ Just Murrayed

    March 1, 2018 at 11:59 am

    You definitely need to get a puppy painting done of Sugar! I’m 100% serious, that would be so cute! My ability to function when I’m tired is low so this whole motherhood thing is a bit terrifying but luckily I married someone who can function on little sleep.

    • chelsea

      March 3, 2018 at 11:08 am

      hahah glad we have another vote for a painting of sugar – it was would hilarious and adorable and absurd all mixed into one! yeah, no sugarcoating – the lack of sleep is reaaaally hard with a newborn but i’m so glad your husband will help out and can still function with little sleep! yay team!

  4. Kate

    March 1, 2018 at 1:35 pm

    What is a bodak, though?!?

    • chelsea

      March 3, 2018 at 11:09 am

      bahaha i literally laughed out loud at your comment, kate! i still have no idea.

  5. Christina @ Hugs And Lattes

    March 3, 2018 at 10:06 am

    HAHAHA all of these are gold. Our most recent conversation was, “I thought marriage was going to be us talking about Jesus, and discussions over sloppy wet kiss v unforeseen kiss. [a controversial change in lyrics in a worship song] Why are we talking about Cardi B?! [the artist who sings Bodak Yellow; she is my guilty pleasure. It’s very anti-feminist of me.]

    • chelsea

      March 3, 2018 at 11:12 am

      ohhh controversial lyric change about kissssing heeeyo!

      my husband was very disappointed that i was not more familiar with cardi b! she does drop some good beats!

      as roxanne gay says in the title of her book “bad feminist” we are all bad feminists but we are still feminists doing our best!