10 Ways You’re Driving Your Spouse Crazy

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isn’t marriage a funny thing? you take two individuals and then put them together for the rest of their lives (hopefully) while living under the same roof. there are certainly a few ways you’re driving your spouse crazy and vice versa.

actually, chances are you do know you’re driving them bonkers. i can say bonkers and not be 84, right? so let’s just get them out on the table (where your keys shouldn’t be) so we can be more conscious of ourselves and each other.

these are some of the top annoying things i’ve witnessed from social media complaints, friends or have potentially experienced in my own world. these are not direct quotes from my own life per se, but rather an artist’s rendering of reality (and maybe a little truth).

Ways You're Driving Your Spouse

1) not following the key placement protocol (even though you’ve invested in a specific hook or shelf or area)

“have you seen my keys?”
“i remember walking in and putting them here. or maybe here. or maybe over there.”
“well can you help me look?”
“no. you must learn. somehow.”
**3 minutes later**
fine. they are right there. i’ve been staring at them for 3 minutes but honestly just put them on the %@#!$* hook!


2) leaving your clothes around

“why are there pants on the counter?”

“how many pairs of socks did you wear today?!”

“but seriously, the laundry basket is 6 inches away.”

“are you planning on making a nest out of the pile of clothes next to the bed?”


3) electronics addiction

“no, i won’t wait until you reach the next level on candy crush. hurry up so we can play video games NOW.”

“babe, can you get up and hand me my phone.” *you’re both sitting next to each other


4) leaving empty food cartons in the fridge

“umm, why is there an empty jar of jelly in the refrigerator?”
“oh, it’s not empty. see…” (as 1/8 of a teaspoon of strawberry falls out)

or that sad sad moment when all your body and soul needs is a bowl of LIFE cereal and out trickles the same 1/8 teaspoon of sad little milk.


5) chronic indecision 

“what do you want for dinner?” i dunno. “what sounds good?” i don’t care, whatever you want. “okay, let’s do chicken.no, not that. “pasta and meatballs?” meh. “hamburgers?” eh, okay. “great, i’ll make that.” no. that doesn’t sound that good. “OMG MAKE A DECISION.”


6) dirty dishes left in sink

(passive aggressive thoughts by each person involved)

oh, so she thinks she can just leave her dishes here and i’ll do them. fine, i’ll leave mine here too.

oh, so he thinks he can get away with just piling dishes in the sink?! i’m not doing them.

fine, i guess i’ll do them just so i can say i did and hold that over her head.

*the dishwasher is 6 inches to the right.


7) watching your previously agreed upon show without you

that is never okay. NEVER!


8) fashion advice

“ohh, you’re wearing that?” as you are already in the car.
“your hair looks interesting.”


9) the toilet seat game

“can you please put the toilet seat down so i don’t fall in?”
“can you please put the toilet seat UP so i don’t have to bend down.”

the toilet paper should always be rolling over the roll, not under.


10) stressful conversations happening right before bed


“soooo…i think we should have a baby.”
“soooo…i think i’m going to quit my job.”
“soooo…i can’t find my wedding ring.”
“soooo…just hear me out…”
“soooo…how do you feel about the global economy?”


what else would you add to the ways we drive each other crazy in a relationship?


  1. Audrey

    February 4, 2015 at 9:30 am

    “I don’t feel great today.”
    I’m sorry. What’s wrong?
    “My head hurts. And my stomach has been bothering me.”
    Did you take some meds?
    Do you want some TUMS?
    Can I make you some tea or soup?
    “No, it’s fine.”

    ….how are you going to feel better if you do nothing about it?!

    We also have the clothes 1 foot from the hamper discussion and the stressful pillow talk, lol.
    I did get lucky and marry a guy that puts the toilet seat down and waits to watch mutual tv shows with me. Great post! I love it!
    Audrey recently posted…When the Cat’s Away…

    • chelsea

      February 4, 2015 at 11:32 am

      ohhh that’s SUCH a good one i forgot all about, audrey! i’m totally that whiney sick person haha. my guy is thankfully good about putting the toilet seat down too because i’ve had friends that have fallen in in the middle of the night! ha!

      I’m glad your husband knows not to watch mutual tv shows without you either!
      chelsea recently posted…10 Ways You’re Driving Your Spouse Crazy

  2. Amberly

    February 4, 2015 at 9:42 am

    Haha, so many of these are Joe and I, is that bad??
    Amberly recently posted…A Love Languages Gift Basket Tutorial

    • chelsea

      February 4, 2015 at 11:33 am

      haha nope, i think it makes you both normal! (admittedly we are lots of these too) 🙂

  3. Amanda Wood

    February 4, 2015 at 10:02 am

    *raises hand* Hi, I’m Amanda and I’m guilty of #5
    Amanda Wood recently posted…Being Grateful for the Awesome Things About Hubs

    • chelsea

      February 4, 2015 at 11:34 am

      ohhhh my goodness i’m the WORST at being indecisive amanda!!! i really hate making decisions and it’s baaaad. if we ever get together for dinner…we need to make sure someone else picks the place 🙂 ha!

  4. Amanda

    February 4, 2015 at 10:08 am

    “soooo…how do you feel about the global economy?” LOL!
    Amanda recently posted…Marriage & Relationship Goals: February

    • chelsea

      February 4, 2015 at 11:35 am

      haha my husband is the king for bringing up weird things right before we go to bed! i should have also thrown in there that he loves “would you rather…” questions right before bed too!

  5. Rebecca

    February 4, 2015 at 11:01 am

    My husband did #7 once and it was THE WORST. A horrible, terrible offense. But I’m pretty sure I do all the others.
    Rebecca recently posted…Comment on Currently – Volume 6 by Rebecca Chapman

    • chelsea

      February 4, 2015 at 12:37 pm

      ohhh big trouble, mister!!! it is a horrible offense. i hope you made him watch it again silently! i do about 93% of all these too so you’re not alone, rebecca!

  6. Dave

    February 4, 2015 at 11:50 am

    Ooh, the t.v. thing. Violated too many times to count. We’re down to just “Modern Family” and “Park And Recreation” and series-binging “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. We recently start the new HBO series “Togetherness” so I need to tread lightly there, too. “SNL” is informally on the list. We usually try to watch it together, but once one of us falls asleep, all bets are off!

    • chelsea

      February 4, 2015 at 12:39 pm

      we have similar lists, dave! all about ‘modern family’ and “p&r” and then throw in “the mindy project” and those are big no-no’s! i also think that’s fair that if someone falls asleep-it’s fair game! thanks for your comment 🙂

  7. Meagan

    February 4, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    We are guilty of all of these at one time or another! Another good one is having my husband forget to pick something up on his way home that I reminded him to do – apparently he wants me to remind him right as he’s walking out of work! Just me?!
    Meagan recently posted…Home Sweet Home + Adspace Giveaway!

    • chelsea

      February 4, 2015 at 12:41 pm

      ohhh that’s a great (obviously not-so-great) one to add, meagan! i feel like i become the naggy wife when i really want him to remember to pick something up with incessant text message reminders! you are not alone.

  8. Rachel G

    February 4, 2015 at 4:26 pm

    I’m quite guilty of trying to discuss deep and world-changing topics in bed. 😛 But we’re both naturally neat freaks, so organization and undone chores are really never a problem.
    Rachel G recently posted…Angelisms, part 8

    • chelsea

      February 6, 2015 at 8:22 am

      that is quite nice that you are both neat freaks, rachel! i bet that is especially excellent living in a tiny apartment in china, now. world changing topics before bed tend to cause me to lay awake for hours afterwards…

  9. Melissa

    February 5, 2015 at 7:54 am

    “10) stressful conversations happening right before bed” I’m the WORST about this…. well, I’m bad about talking about ANYTHING as we go to bed. Drives Josh crazy (bonkers!) lol. Great post!
    Melissa recently posted…Just A Kid With Glasses

    • chelsea

      February 6, 2015 at 8:38 am

      haha excellent incorporation of the word ‘bonkers’ melissa-10 points to you! thanks for reading!

  10. Ashlen

    February 5, 2015 at 8:42 am

    I think you’re spying on my marriage! Except for #9…I’ve got my husband trained on that one!
    Ashlen recently posted…Picking a Paper Planner

    • chelsea

      February 6, 2015 at 8:40 am

      haha i shall never reveal my sources into spying on marriages…muwahaha. just kidding…that was too creepy and i’m sorry ashlen. well done on winning in the toilet seat game! my husband is 99% great about that too.

  11. Courtney! @ Redefining Athlete

    February 5, 2015 at 9:23 am

    #7 is grounds for immediate termination. The ultimate betrayal!

    I think my Instagram addiction bothers him the most. ESPECIALLY when I then lean over to show him something every 2 minutes. I think I need to just leave my phone downstairs at night and use an actually alarm clock.. acknowledging the problem is the first step!
    Courtney! @ Redefining Athlete recently posted…My Sweaty Valentine: A Gift Guide for the Fitness Lover in Your Life

    • chelsea

      February 6, 2015 at 8:41 am

      for the reals! there is some deep sadness and anger that occurs, isn’t there courtney?! yeah…i drive my husband insane with instagram photos too. at least we are acknowledging and can get better!

  12. Monika

    February 6, 2015 at 11:56 am

    Hahaha this post is pure greatness! I sent the link to my bf so he can enjoy. We live together so it feeeeels like we are married especially since almost all of these things apply to us. He is guilty of #s 1, 2 (THE WORST), 6, and some times 10 (trying to resolve a fight before bed rather than going to bed mad = ughhhhh no let me sleep on it I’ll be over it tomorrow it’s fine talking about it just makes it worseeeee). I am guilty of #s 3 (I always ask him to hand me my phone if we are literally the same distance from it), 5 (this annoys him to NO END), and 8 (I’m so mean…but really, who wears basketball shorts with a button down that don’t even match in color AND I have seen him attempt to wear BOOTS with said shorts and button down…no. Just. No).