Love Pictures and A Challenge? Join Us for the 12x12x12
my husband has less of a photo addiction than i do and he looooves ‘challenges’ so because i’m such a sexy supportive wife, i’m jumping on board with his 12x12x12 photo challenge! so if you love pictures and a challenge, consider joining us!
it’s going live tomorrow since it’s 12/12 so that’s the most fun day to join along. the hardest part will be selecting the 12 photos that are your favorites from this past year. it’s okay if you started to get a little panicky that christmas and hanukkah wouldn’t be included (because i certainly did) so let’s all acknowledge that some super solid ones will occur then too.
this could live on your blog, you could share it on facebook in an album or even on instagram with one of those photo collage things.
some resources for putting collages together are www.canva.com (my personal favorite) and www.picmonkey.com. both are free to use, which makes it even better.
here’s what else he says:
Here is text for the album or blog description:
Several of us are getting together to go through all of our photos this year and selecting twelve photos that highlight the best, worst, happiest, saddest, coolest, adventurous, or most terrifying moments of our year!
Here is the hashtag for the album and photos:
When sharing your photos or article on social media use: #121212 so we can all follow each other and see what others post. Tell us about your year’s greatest lessons, stories, insights, sorrows, and triumphs! Let’s see how we can portray our year using twelve photos from the past twelve months! source (haha just kidding. i’m sitting across from him).
if you’re wondering where i’ll be for the next day…it’s searching through literally thousands of photos from our insane (and not yet over) 2014. i mean, i’ve taken 12 photos in the last hour. i’ve had to start transferring my photos to a hard-drive because my poor computer is like OMG enough with the food photos and selfies with your husband!
hope you join us tomorrow for the #12x12x12 and if not, hope you’ll be back to hear how i agonized over which photos made the cut and which ones sadly still sit in a folder.
**i will be setting up a blog link-up (thanks faith!) for you to come back to this if you already have plans and can’t post on 12x12x12 but want to participate before the year is over! check it out HERE!
1) how do you organize your own photos and where do you store them? i need suggestions!
2) do you like taking photos?
3) what’s the last idea your partner had that you jumped on board with?
Rebecca Chapman
December 11, 2014 at 7:24 am
I LOVE this! I’m in!
Rebecca Chapman recently posted…Comment on The Underground Girls Of Kabul – A Book Review by Whitney
December 11, 2014 at 9:55 am
yay!!!! can’t wait to see your photos, rebecca wooohooo!
December 11, 2014 at 10:33 am
I LOVE this idea .. is it only tomorrow or is it a linkup that will last like a week or something. I have a post scheduled already for tomorrow. 🙁
December 11, 2014 at 10:48 am
ohhh i should do a link-up (and figure out how to do that)! i’ll play around with it later today but would love to have you join faith and way to be on top of it for a post tomorrow 🙂
Amanda Wood
December 11, 2014 at 11:51 am
I’m in!! You know I love a photo challenge!
Amanda Wood recently posted…The Golden Vlog: Christmas Edition
December 11, 2014 at 7:51 pm
hip hip hoooooray amanda!!!! can’t wait to see your photos (i am still agonizing over which ones to pick at the currently moment!)
chelsea recently posted…Love Pictures and A Challenge? Join Us for the 12x12x12
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties
December 11, 2014 at 11:53 am
hahahaha “i mean, i’ve taken 12 photos in the last hour.” …yep, my life too. can’t wait to see your pics!!
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties recently posted…3 things I’m REALLY happy I spent money on
December 11, 2014 at 7:52 pm
so glad i’m not the only one filling up memory of taking way too many photos, ashley!
chelsea recently posted…Love Pictures and A Challenge? Join Us for the 12x12x12
Pingback: 12x12x12 - A Recap Of My Year In Photos
Robert Owens
December 12, 2014 at 8:19 am
I organize my photos by day: 14-12-12, 14-12-13, etc.
It took me about eightsixs to get organized.
I save them to multiple external HD and to a Pro Flicker feed ($25 annually for unlimited space). I have 112,000+ photos so it is important to organize and tag.
Robert Owens recently posted…The 12 Photo Challenge on 12/12
December 12, 2014 at 8:40 am
ohhh i’ll have to check out pro-flicker feed! thank you robert! i finally started organizing mine by month and then day and that helps but i will check out the storage you recommended. thanks 🙂