…And Just Like That, We Have a 6 Month Old!
so. i’ve been at this whole ‘mother’ thing for 6 months (well actually 6 months and 15 days and 9 hours but who’s counting). to everyone who told me “it gets better” and i rolled my eyes at you – i’m sorry. you were right. it really does keep getting better (but damn those first 2 months were pretty rough for me).
part of me finds it hard to believe atlas is now 6 months old. the other part of me feels like we’ve been at this for a while. here’s the photographic evidence though, she’s growing up!
she now weighs a little over 17lbs (67th percentile to others her age) and is almost 28 inches long (96th percentile). #longandlean. for my friends in other parts of the world – that’s about 7.7kgs and 71 centimeters.
current likes: take offs and landings on airplanes, putting all things in her mouth, pulling hair hard, being tickled, drinking from a cup, laughing and rolling across all surfaces!
current dislikes: being held for too long, not letting her have her own cell phone, the nose frida, shimming from the bottom of her crib to the top of the crib and getting her head stuck in the corner, and the sound of hand dryers.
she has eaten sweet potatoes, avocado, spinach and peas, and bananas (she gagged at bananas)! her hair is also starting to come in – it’s adorable and maybe slightly red?!? (ravery’s grandma has red hair).
she already loves harry potter, duh. i make it a point to whisper something harry potter related every time i put her to bed. shout out to alison for the (gryffin) adorable shirt and kate for the magical pants!
she’s rolling all over and just started sitting up on her own! she smiles every time sugar enters the room and responds when you say “atlas” and “milk.” it’s really amazing to see her learn and develop daily!
it’s also true that no one cares like you care when your own kid does something for the first time. if you hear someone shouting from a rooftop when she starts to crawl, that will be me. carry on.
one perk of my husband traveling so much is that he gets upgraded when seats are available. she experienced her first time in first class (and only my second time up there, where they pretty much let you do whatever you want). we have to be careful because right when we sat down, attie demanded champagne. kids these days!
everyone thought she was a boy on this flight and my outward response is “actually, girls wear blue too!” instead of something much worse i say in my head.
ravery is absolutely loving being a dad and he is such a fantastic one at that! she always lights up when she sees him. i am so glad i chose him to be her dad! i have some posts rattling around my (much happier) brain about how becoming parents have changed us so stay tuned. thank you leanna for making her the cutest hat!
sometimes he sends me photos like this when i’m at a meeting…
life is much better than it was. thank you to everyone who left comments, wrote emails, texted me. i’ll do a separate post on my progress with postpartum depression but i am relieved to report i feel much better! i am even feeling ambition and the desire to use my brain again so cheers to that!
i have some exciting things in the works! i am looking to have conversations with women in their 20s/30s who are engaged for a product i’m working on. if that’s you or you know someone who fits that description – send them my way pretty please:
chelsea (@) thenewwifestyle.com
i wrote a guest post over on “a prioritized marriage” about the current stage we are in – give it a gander!
with that, we are off to go find any scrap of anything off the floor to put in our mouths!
Elyse @ Just Murrayed
March 15, 2017 at 7:57 am
CUTENESS OVERLOAD! Little Attie is seriously so cute. I’m glad you’re feeling better and can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!
Elyse @ Just Murrayed recently posted…February Confessions
March 16, 2017 at 7:34 am
thanks you elyse for always commenting and bearing with me through some of my tougher days. i sure hope you are doing well!
chelsea recently posted……And Just Like That, We Have a 6 Month Old!
March 15, 2017 at 10:03 am
THAT HARRY POTTER OUTFIT MAKES ME WANT A BABY RIGHT NOW. Like, I NEED a child to dress in those clothes. Seriously.
Also, Attie & Sug are seriously the two best friends that anyone could have. I love the crib pic.
I’m so glad you’re feeling a little more like yourself! You’re doing great!
Audrey recently posted…What I Read… vol. 3
March 16, 2017 at 7:38 am
bahahaha oh that comment totally cracked me up audrey! i felt the same. i was almost like “should i have at least 2 more kids in the hopes of having a ron and harry to go with this little hermione!?” sugar and her love each other and it makes me so happy. sugar is also the best dog because atlas is in the grabbing phase and yanks that poor dog’s hair and she’s so good about it!
March 15, 2017 at 12:13 pm
Atlas is so cute!!! LOL to her current dislike of not having her own cell phone… I bet you can fast forward 10 years and she’ll still have the same dislike 🙂 And I’m very glad to hear you’re feeling more back to normal <3
March 16, 2017 at 7:39 am
hah you are so right about that cell phone thing. i am kinda nervous about raising a kid in this tech-savvy world! eeeek. i’m glad i’m getting back to normal too. hope you are doing great ashley! i’m going to send you an email about b-school!
March 15, 2017 at 1:23 pm
Long and lean indeed! I think I know where she gets that from.
I couldn’t agree more. Girls can wear blue too! And I think boys can wear pink too.
Vivien recently posted…Almost a Champ Again
March 16, 2017 at 7:49 am
ha! we met her new pediatrician last week and when she was measuring her height, she asked how tall both ravery and i were and said “oh yeah. she’s going to be TALL!”
i agree! colors are meant for everyone, regardless of reproductive parts jeeeeeez
March 15, 2017 at 10:20 pm
I am 29 and engaged. I also love your writing. 🙂
March 16, 2017 at 7:50 am
yay! congratulations on your engagement chelsea (also – way to have the best name on the planet 😉 ) thanks for leaving a comment, i’m going to send you an email!
March 16, 2017 at 4:30 am
Hi there!
Having just become a mom (little Michael is just over two weeks old), your posts on how rough the newborn phase was has really helped me.
The first two weeks have been hard, the lack of sleep is nothing to sneeze at.
I’m so glad that you’re doing better, and thank you for your honestly on the challenges of motherhood.
Love Vanessa x
Johannesburg, South Africa
March 16, 2017 at 8:05 am
awww hi vanessa! huge congratulations on little michael and i’m glad you know you aren’t the only one experiencing how hard those first few weeks can really be. that lack of sleep is so much harder than i anticipated. it does eventually get better and he will sleep for longer (and so will you)!
i’m glad the posts on motherhood have helped you, that makes my heart happy and helps me remember to post things like that even when i feel embarrassed or shame so thank you vanessa. hang in there with it all and i’m here if you need to vent or someone to empathize the new addition! 🙂
Paula Howley
March 17, 2017 at 12:40 am
I used to deliberately put Meg in ‘boy’ colours and loved correcting the annoying people. I’m really glad you’re feeling better Chels. Really glad. And that kid has a KILLER smile. Love that pic of her with Ravery.
Courtney {Alkeks Abroad}
March 19, 2017 at 10:26 pm
That picture of her and Sugar in the crib is the best! She’s a photogenic little thing, cheering in all your pictures.
Courtney {Alkeks Abroad} recently posted…Friday Favorites: I’m 30 Edition!
March 20, 2017 at 1:44 pm
Aw so adorable!!! Don’t they grow so fast?! My sweetie is only a little behind Atlas and I can’t believe how big she is. Also what is it about people and the color blue??? I love putting E in blue and I every time I hear “why do you put her in blue if she’s a girl? That’s a boy color”. *insert major eye roll here. Anyway glad that things have gotten easier and that you’re doing better!
Elizabeth recently posted…Hello? Is This Thing On?
Jo Burns
March 20, 2017 at 2:00 pm
She’s a beautiful kid. Looking forward to when you do the post “how my brain cells were sucked out my nipples”. Promise they we come back full power once you begin to wean the little cutie…ok at least that’s when mine finally returned.
Christina @ Hugs and Lattes
March 20, 2017 at 6:30 pm
OH MY GOSH Atlas is such the cutie!!! Just read your post on a Prioritized Marriage & I loved it! Today I tried the “what is your favorite thing about me?” And he said “Everything.” Fail
chelsea jacobs
March 21, 2017 at 9:30 am
I actually laughed out loud imagining you whispering Harry Potter lines to her every night. That is amazing.
chelsea jacobs recently posted…On Good Days & Bad Days.