Happy 4th of July!
happy 4th of july!
we spent last night at our community 4th of july celebration (yes, it’s one the 3rd and yes i love it)! it’s at a park we can walk to – filled with way too many people, way too many smells and a gorgeous backdrop.
i wasn’t sure how atlas would do since tuesdays are daycare days. this usually means she’s tired and probably has sunscreen in her eyes.
surprisingly, she let me put an enormous red bow in her hair! after 29 terrible photos (some involving tears), i finally got the cutest one of her smiling! it’s either eyes open and mouth shut or eyes shut and mouth smiling so…
we had some tasty BBQ and somebody had her first cheetos experience.
i solely refer to ravery as ‘dude bro’ anytime he wears his hat backwards.
we rode on a lot of trains during our recent trip to the UK. about once a day, atlas asks if we are going on a choo-choo. last night, we finally answered YES!
i thought she’d be freaked out because they cruise a bit away, where she can no longer see us. but nope, she was totally fine. as they drove away, she was like BYE.
ravery and i had a moment where we were like “OMG. this is how our parents felt when we told them goodbye so casually at the airport or for college or anything!”
she’s my brave girl!
we met up with my soulfriend lindsey and her family, which was so fun! we hand-me-down all of attie’s clothes to baby lyla, who is now 9 months old! atlas constantly talks about baby lyla and frequently calls her on the ‘phone.’
the pure joy at being reunited with her was the sweetest!
last year during fireworks, we could hear them from our house but atlas was sound asleep so she hadn’t experienced them before. i was a little nervous for how she would react to the loud sounds but yet again, she surprised me. she was wide-eyed watching the whole show!
she finally had a meltdown about 9:45pm but i’m going to attribute that to being waaaaay past her bedtime. we put her in the stroller and she passed out.
time for more food, no more fireworks and more red, white and blue today!
enjoy your day, appreciate our country and continue to demand that the USA value all human beings before borders/profits/agendas.
July 5, 2018 at 12:23 pm
What a fun little event in your neighborhood! I love how confident and brave and independent Atlas is!! (Although it’s probably a little tough on mom and dad to see her being such a big girl 😉 Lol) Too cute with Atlas and Lyla! Looks like Atlas AND Mr. WS are ready for #2 😉 Lol!