The “In-Between” Mother’s Day

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i hope you had a great weekend and were able to celebrate mother’s day by celebrating yourself, your own mom and/or other incredible women who helped to shape you!

yesterday was a delightful day for me but also a little strange. i know a lot of women already feel like mothers the instant they become pregnant but i don’t quite feel that yet. when i was reflecting on this feeling, i don’t see myself the same as my own mom or friends that have children because i am not tangibly caring for something in the outside world. at that same time, i of course don’t feel like i did last mother’s day when my womb was empty and my glass was filled with wine.

thus, i have dubbed it my ‘in between mother’s day.’ did other ladies feel this way?

it was an extra special day because i got to spend it with my own mama – something i do not take for granted. i know i am incredibly lucky to not only now live 20 minutes from her but also that she is still here for me to call, hug or really anything i need. can you tell where i got my love of stripes from?

mother's day

we were both spoiled by my amazing and thoughtful husband who not only did his 2+ hour workout but came home and cooked us a great brunch! i would like credit for washing the fruit and putting the cinnamon rolls in the pan so thank you.

mothers day averys

i woke up to my first ever mother’s day card from him! yes, i totally cried. my mama also gave me a sweet card along with those pretty daisies and greenery. hilarious card in the middle is from my bestie alison AND she sent me shoes and the cutest diaper changing kit ever.  i also got sweet messages from my dad, sister, grandparents, mother-in-law and friends! i felt very spoiled for being this ‘in between mother’ thing!

mother's day flowers

i would love to know what characteristic about your mom you admire most and which helps you feel most empowered? i am asking this selfishly so i can hope to instill those into our daughter!

you know i love to stretch out all holidays so a continued happy mother’s day to all the mamas, soon-to-be-mamas, fur mamas, stepmoms and to all of the women who have helped shape us into the humans we are today!


  1. Rachel @ Countdowns and Cupcakes

    May 9, 2016 at 9:31 am

    I admire my mom’s giving nature. She always volunteers to help someone out and the first person I turn to during a crisis. I hope that I have some of that in me as well. She is also one of the most supportive people in the world and that helped me grow up with a huge feeling of self-worth and value.
    Rachel @ Countdowns and Cupcakes recently posted…10 Ways to Support a Military Spouse

    • chelsea

      May 9, 2016 at 9:50 am

      your mom sounds awesome, rachel! thank you so much for sharing – so glad she has always been so supportive! i am lucky with that in my mom too!

  2. jenniferhastonsays

    May 9, 2016 at 9:44 am

    I feel a like a fraud accepting Happy Mother’s Day wishes- but at the same time- A good friend said, you are a mother as soon as you are pregnant because you start making choices to protect that child- (not skydiving, not drinking, etc) so I am working on it -I think it goes along with the whole “I don’t feel pregnant” thing. I do think that is normal, after all, what do I have to compare it to?

    The mother of my heart (we met when I was 14) but it was only after my miscarriage that we acknowledged what the relationship really was and I call her Mom and my daughter will call her Nana- her best quality is her unwavering faith in my ability to do whatever I set my mind to- she exhibited this in the early days of our relationship and does so now. I should also mention her “being there” – she always is. Every. Single. Time

    • chelsea

      May 9, 2016 at 9:53 am

      glad you had a friend help you accept some of those mother’s day wishes a bit easier – she is right that we do start doing things to protect this little one while in utero! so happy you found a ‘mother of heart’ (love that) and that you hold such a special relationship with her. love that she is always there for you and has unwavering faith in all you do jennifer! appreciate your comment!

  3. Lindsay

    May 9, 2016 at 9:56 am

    Awwww so sweet! Happy belated in-between Mother’s Day to you, friend!
    Lindsay recently posted…On Mountain High ā€“ Chapter Twenty-Six

    • chelsea

      May 9, 2016 at 2:23 pm

      thaaaank you! i’m sorry your chocolate covered strawberries didn’t turn out but hope you had a marvelous day celebrating those lovely ladies in your life šŸ™‚
      chelsea recently posted…The “In-Between” Mother’s Day

  4. Elyse

    May 9, 2016 at 10:56 am

    Ah, Chelsea, of course you’re a mother and you’re doing an awesome job of growing your baby girl!

    The best quality of my mother is her ability to remain calm, think and do the right thing in stressful situations/emergencies. I SO wish I inherited it but alas, I’m a wreck when it comes to thinks like emergencies.
    Elyse recently posted…Trust

    • chelsea

      May 9, 2016 at 2:24 pm

      ha thanks elyse! i don’t quite feel like a mom yet but i know that will change once she comes out!

      oh that is such a good thing about your mom remaining calm in stressful situations. i don’t have that trait either, darnit!

    • Elyse

      May 10, 2016 at 4:53 am

      I just thought of something else as well, Chelsea. My mother is great at seeing a need or seeing someone in need and getting people to help. When a longtime neighbours daughter died in a car accident she helped the family by going to our neighbours and creating an ongoing dinner chain for an entire year as well as contributing 6 weeks worth of meals so they wouldn’t have to think about what they were going to make for dinner for their two other children.
      Elyse recently posted…Movies Iā€™m Looking Forward To

      • chelsea

        May 10, 2016 at 5:18 pm

        oh that is such an amazing trait of your mama, elyse! that is so sad about your neighbor but what a kind gesture and such a tangible way to help that family at a time of need/crisis. thanks for sharing that!

  5. Audrey

    May 9, 2016 at 11:18 am

    Awwww, I’m so glad everyone spoiled you on your in-between mother’s day!! (It’s the only one you’ll ever have!) I have a feeling that I’ll be like you some day- the mother-feeling may not kick in until closer to time šŸ™‚

    This mother’s day I watched my best friend have her first HUGE disagreement with her parents. It made me appreciate my mom (and dad) SOOO much. I think the most important thing a parent can be is supportive and kind and understanding and loyal. I’m a sucker for loyalty šŸ™‚
    Audrey recently posted…A Weekend Recap That Will Wear You Out

    • chelsea

      May 9, 2016 at 2:26 pm

      i had never thought of it as this being the only one i’ll ever have – you are so right! thanks audrey – that makes it settle better for me šŸ™‚

      sorry you had to watch your bestie have a big disagreement with her parents (and sorry for her too!) supportive, kind and loyal are all fantastic and i’m glad you have that with your parents!

  6. Paula Howley

    May 9, 2016 at 10:56 pm

    Chels, I am one of those people who has to look for one of those mother’s day cards that don’t talk about all the great lessons my mom taught me because it would be total bullshit. I learned about how not to live from my folks and I am grateful for those lessons. Many people say we pick our parents and I hope that is true- I feel more gratitude for picking tough teachers that way.
    I think the lesson I am learning from my mom is that life is beautiful and we should be grateful for the crazy random spin on the planet that we get and for the people who are in it with us.
    Paula Howley recently posted…I Know With My Whole Heart

    • chelsea

      May 10, 2016 at 5:20 pm

      thanks for being so honest paula and also for being able to turn what many could see as a super negative thing but finding the light in it. i think it speaks volumes of who you are as a person to be grateful for those lessons you learned about how to choose to live differently!

  7. Courtney {Alkeks Abroad}

    May 12, 2016 at 2:59 am

    In between Mother’s Day is the perfect way to describe it. I love my mom’s ability to make even the most mundane things fun.
    Courtney {Alkeks Abroad} recently posted…Granite Belt Getaway